Yamaha 115 4 stroke sputter/stalling. Help!

I had the same engine on a mako 17. It was at the age that you had to chase and follow the entire fuel system from tank to fuel rail. Mine would also sputter and stall at idle. What I found out was the fuel cup had an overtighten nut and a crack in its cap allowing air in. That was first. Then I found the high pressure fuel pump filter screen was easily clogged. Get a new one. Then I replaced all injectors. They must seated evenly when pushed into the block. Also unclip every sensor and clean the contacts then re attach. Plugs also, must be tight. Make sure all small hoses are not cracked. See photos of how far you have to go.
Good insight I’ll check it out. External gas tank was hooked up so bypassed a lot of those fuel lines. I also did injectors but will check the connectors. Thanks!
Also, the yds will connect to that engine. There is a port that you plug into. It gives less information than the newer engines, but it does tell you a lot.