Yamaha 225 is smoking?...

Capt Armchair

GreatGrady Captain
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
Went to the boat last night, dropped the 225 4s in the water and started the boat, motor was down about 3/4 into the water. The intake and exhaust were definately submerged. After about 5 minutes of idling I noticed a white smoke coming from the engine exhaust, almost like a 2s.

Any ideas? Do I have a mjor problem? I did not check the oil as it was late, i am heading to the boat in a little while.
Smoke as in burnt oil or water vapor? How cold was it?
About 73 degree outside and the engine had idled about 5 minutes.
Try yor post at the thehulltruth.com, go to vendor site called Shipyard Island Marine (if I got it right). Andy is the guy.

I suggest you not run it again until getting some followup.

Since you didn't say there was any odor, I don't think it's oil.

When I start my car in the morning, some white vapor too comes out for a while, it's not smoke, but vapor. When one sees a car with a blown head gasket, the water vapor is instead a very heavy white cloud.
BobP said:
Try yor post at the thehulltruth.com, go to vendor site called Shipyard Island Marine (if I got it right). Andy is the guy.

I suggest you not run it again until getting some followup.

Since you didn't say there was any odor, I don't think it's oil.

When I start my car in the morning, some white vapor too comes out for a while, it's not smoke, but vapor. When one sees a car with a blown head gasket, the water vapor is instead a very heavy white cloud.
You're right about a car but that is a closed cooling system and what you're seeing is antifreeze/coolant steam which would be different than raw water intake steam. Who knows though it could just be condensation due to temperature but I've not seen much of that.
Was your motor winterized with fogging oil? If it was.... that's normal, your just burning it off.
Catch - should have seen that immediately upon start. Took 5 minutes to notice it.

Could it have been doing this since it fired?
capt chris said:
BobP said:
Try yor post at the thehulltruth.com, go to vendor site called Shipyard Island Marine (if I got it right). Andy is the guy.

I suggest you not run it again until getting some followup.

Since you didn't say there was any odor, I don't think it's oil.

When I start my car in the morning, some white vapor too comes out for a while, it's not smoke, but vapor. When one sees a car with a blown head gasket, the water vapor is instead a very heavy white cloud.
You're right about a car but that is a closed cooling system and what you're seeing is antifreeze/coolant steam which would be different than raw water intake steam. Who knows though it could just be condensation due to temperature but I've not seen much of that.

If you see that from your car then you have a blown head gasket.
If it was a clearish hazy smoke, it is usually just from the cool air and condensation, but if it is actually white you have a problem or will have one, and then you probably do have a blown head gasket. If it was blue or black smoke, it is gass and oil burning. Not all smoke is bad, it really comes down to the color, if it does not look like what you would normally see in similar conditions, chances are you have a problem. Usually the color can help a tech narrow down the causes and fix it quickly.
Thanks to all who have offered help. This is my first OB boat. Well, first since I was like 12.


As i mentioned earlier, the engine was tilted when I started it. So, I literally lowered it from being full up to about 1/2 down and then started it last night...after a few minutes white smoke.

Today, after checking all fluids, I lowered the engine completely and started it. After 15 minutes, no smoke at all, not a shred.

I guess running it with the oil angled in the engine after sitting, at an idle is not a good idea? Does this even make sense that this happened?
