Hi folks, just an update. Over last post and over the summer season, the motors did perform better at cold idle. I did make some minor adjustments over the summer and as time went, they started the issue again at idle, but not as bad as before.
After my inspection last time for cleaning/servicing the o2 sensors, I was not happy with the amount of carbon in that chamber and the o2 sensor draw tube just totally full of loose carbon. I think the Amsoil did better than the Pennzoil as I just checked the carbon and it was not totally full, but it was still not right in my view.
So, this time, I went ahead and removed the intake cover and sprayed in the Seafoam Spray as instructed, let it hot soak and went through a couple of cycles of this. Wow, the smoke was intense. However, by the time the smoke was reduced, the motors both moved from the 700 rpm idle speed to 800 rpm's .They seemed a bit smoother as well.
I had ordered new o2 sensor draw tubes from Andy and pulled the o2 sensors. The draw tubes were a bit stuck in place and not easy to remove. Too much hard carbon, so to me, they are not working correctly if they can't float in the chamber. I spent time with the Seafoam and carefully cleaning/scraping all the carbon out of the bores until they were clean. Cleaned the o2 sensor and installed the new draw tubes and
New spark plugs and now they start right up and act normal like they did when they were newer motors.. I am hoping that I had a real carbon issue and the draw tubes not working properly maybe throwing off the computer...dunno, just me guessing but so far, so good.
One would think that with the Ring Free Plus and Startron, it would help with the carbon buildup! I wonder what it would be like if I didn't use them at all?
I waited a week after this work and restarted cold, and both motors started like they were new again, idle went right to 700rpms.
I will hopefully get a clear weekend soon weather permitting and run to nearest lake to let them run a bit, but thinking the carbon buildup plus the o2 sensor draw tube chambers with hard carbon has been the root cause of the idle speed when cold issue.