Yamaha Stainless 3 Blade Prop set


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2014
Reaction score
Warren, OR
I sold my Marlin and the buyer wanted the 4 blade props. That leaves me with a set of Yamaha Saltwater Series stainless props.

19 x 15 1/4

$500 plus shipping.20230926_123100.jpg20230926_123104.jpg20230926_123156.jpg20230926_123239.jpg
Too high? I'm open to offers.
I don’t think so, I’m in a similar position. I have the same size in aluminum from Solas, they were my spares before repowering. I was going to list for $300 for the set as they’re brand new. Your SS props look perfect, I think it just comes down to if someone has hit a rock lately or not.
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ive been trying to sell a set of yamaha ss props for a while now, also at $500 with no luck. that being said, mine are 23' pitch, so that is probably working against me. good luck
I'm forced to try Marketplace and Hull Truth. I'd rather a Grady owner got the good deal, but it is time.
ive tried market place, local boating groups, and yamaha outboard owners pages. still no luck for me. i at 500 for the pair with hubs...
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