Q: How long will STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer keep fuel fresh?
STA-BIL® Fuel Stabilizer will keep fuel fresh for up to 12 months, guaranteed. Depending on the quality, type and
source of the gasoline, as well as storage conditions, doubling the dosage rate of STA-BIL could prolong this storage
time to up to 2 years. However, any gasoline stored for more than 12 months will tend to lose volatility (ignitability),
which could lead to hard starting or no start conditions after this long storage period. NO additive, STA-BIL included,
will prevent volatility loss in fuel. To reduce fuel volatility loss during storage, we recommend filling your tank at least
95% fulll with fresh fuel and STA-BIL, and store in cool conditions away from direct sunlight if possible.
If you forget to stabilize your fuel prior to storage and do experience problems starting your equipment after storage,
we recommend trying our StartYourEngines! Fuel System Revitalizer product.