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I have lost fish boatside due to the outboards on my Grady, and I have lost fish boatside due to huge swinging props on my buddies twin diesel boats.

Handling the fish at the boatside is were your biggest chance is for something to go wrong, and I am sure most of you know, where most fish are lost.

I usually have someone drive the boat keeping forward motion of about 2 knots. Whatever side the fish is coming up on, the opposite motor is in gear. I prefer to take the fish on the starboard, but the fish dont always agree.

Arm yourself with a good crew that has experience working with each other and you will certainly overcome the small challanges of bringing in fish with the twins!

Good luck and enjoy the boat!

Yes, when trolling you need a game plan to direct the fish one way or another or it will be lost, always keep trolling forward. When overnighting offshore the transom really is a big help, you are not going to swing the boat at night, the fish dictates where you go and it is nice to be able to quickly go from one side to the other without havig to jump behind the transom and swing a stand up rod around engines or a big transom box.

Many outboard builders put outboards on what is called a Euro Transom, like the 282 and marlin, or on brackets because it does help the ride a little bit, it makes the boat act bigger then it really is. Only problem with that is builders then classify the boats bigger then they really are and you get ripped off, buying a 28 ft that is really a 26 with a 2 ft transom. Brackets and euro transoms also provide slightly better fuel efficieny. On most boats it is nominal, but it does help. It really comes down to what the boat is ulitimately going to be used for. I think Grady opted against it on this model knowing it would be used in bluewater fishing and was soley designed for that.

Happy New Year Guys!!