Recent content by RobboNJ

  1. R

    NJ fishing reports

    Your fishing videos warmed me up on this cold night. Thanks for the post!
  2. R

    Bottom blasted

    The hull bottom looks great. Do you plan to do your own painting in the spring? Good planning to lay down the drop cloth before blocking the boat!
  3. R

    NJ fishing reports

    I'm going to try the stripers a couple more times, hopefully shortly after Thanksgiving, if this nasty weather leaves. Maybe tuna if I hear they are still around. Seems like they are getting easier to find but harder to catch. Good luck with the bottom repairs and the new slip at the Yacht Club!
  4. R

    NJ fishing reports

    Skunk, seems like you're pulling out early. Still several weeks of fishing available. Everything OK?
  5. R

    NJ fishing reports

    Went out sea bassing today. Had a great ride to the Garden State North at 6:30am with 3' swells and an easy 11 second period. Cruised at 4000RPM and 30 MPH for a quick trip. Fun morning of fishing and caught 7 keepers (solo trip). The wind kicked up out of the north and the drift got very...
  6. R

    NJ fishing reports

    Maybe next weekend. Saturday is looking possible, stay tuned. Finding the fish will be the tough part.
  7. R

    NJ fishing reports

    I feel your pain! The warm days and tuna are fading!
  8. R

    Grady Canyon 306 owner question re shore power

    I have a 2020 Feedom 307 which i purchased earlier this year. It is the same hull as the Canyon, is equipped with the bow thruster and has 4 batteries. The first month I had the boat I did not have a power cord for it. And had no issues with the power sterring or the bow thruster, they worked...
  9. R

    NJ fishing reports

    I was at the AP 2-3 weeks ago and there was lots of action with birds and plenty of marks, but no bite. If the SS lump is active there will be a large fleet! I was late to the party last year, but would love to try it this year. I plan to head out Sunday - hopefully not too late.
  10. R

    NJ fishing reports

    Skunk, Nice Wahoo! Are you heading out for tuna these next few calm days? the Barnegat Ridge was good for over a week for bluefin on the troll. Not sure where they are now.
  11. R

    Grady 307 owners

    I also have a 307 with twin 300's (2020). i experience the same listing that you describe. Need at least two lights on the down trim to level out when on plane. Just recently noticed that it lists when docked in its slip, similar to your photo. I just bought the boat this year, so am still...
  12. R

    Need to Replace Fold Down Bench Retaining Clips

    I never did rreplace the clip, so I do not have the part number. Good luck.
  13. R

    Engine Flush Quick Connect

    Thanks all. I'll try the local hardware store and autpoarts storesand see what I find.
  14. R

    Engine Flush Quick Connect

    I have a 2020 Freedom 307 with the quick connect ports for the engine flush. The o-ring on the male part of the quick connect have ripped and come off of the adapter. Now water sprays all over the deck while I'm flushing, tho the flush processs still seems to work well. Any idea what size...
  15. R

    Completed trip through North Channel, Canada

    That's a long way to tow a boat! Hope you have a great time on Lake Michigan. I have a friend whose family has a house in Charlevoix, and the lake and dunes in that area are so beautiful. Never made it to Mackniaw Island, but here its nice. Good way to see it from your boat. Do you need...