Search results

  1. T

    Getting a raise

    I am in the process of raising my F 200i4 on my 208 to the last hole. Have seen good results going to the 4 blade prop, and the fact that it appears to have better grip has got me thinking I will raise the Yam to see if I can increase my WOT by 100 rpm's of so. At the moment I am 56- 5700. Any...
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    Power tech prop

    Got a chance to wet the new prop yesterday SCE 4 Power Tech. All compared to the Reliance 14 1/2 x 15p. Some good changes, 3 mph more at same cruising rpm, quicker on plane, appears to stay on plane a lower speed, for some reason it sounds quieter at cruising, reach 40-41mph wot, the Reliance...
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    Power tech prop

    Thanks guys, and Hookup for the reference to your prop experience a year ago.Yes Ken was very helpful and we arrived at the SCE4 using my present 3 blade numbers. I am hoping it works as anticipated as exchanging the prop from here on Vancouver Island is an expensive event, shipping being the ouch.
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    Drain plugs in rear deck scuppers?

    I used the same plugs before I balanced my 208 with 2 batteries on port to balance kicker on starboard. I believe the Seafarer has horizontal scupper drains (flat on the deck with a grate) while the 208's are vertical at deck level. So don't think the plugs work with the horizontal scupper...
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    Power tech prop

    Good to hear, thanks Ky. Have you had to change the hub in that time?
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    Power tech prop

    Just purchased a Power Tech ss prop SCE4 14X15p from the company in Texas through Ken at Prop Gods. Just questioning if any of you guys are using Power Tech props and your thoughts on them. Have not got the new prop wet yet, waiting for weather. I did read about some issues with blades breaking...
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    Higher Fuel Prices

    I would just like to take a moment and give a big thanks to my friendly little T 8 kicker. She has proven time after time to be a reliable fuel sipping buddy that can troll for hours on the fumes of the F 200. Bless you my child!
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    I need new Batteries for my 228

    I bought two energizer AGM group 31 dual purpose batteries from Costco a coupe of months ago but have only had the boat out once. I think for my needs, running down riggers pulling traps and overnight boat camping they should be fine. Item # 140731
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    Life Vest sale?

    I see Costco has inflatable life vests for sale, so not know the manufacturer.
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    Drain plugs in rear deck scuppers?

    Just installed those Seaworthy ss scupper assembly on the splash well drains. They are flush mounted units. so used the rubber gasket from the old ones to seal the new ones. Will find out how well they work next lumpy day pulling prawn traps against the wind. Yes, when fishing in the stern I...
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    Cockpit sole hatch

    I received a very quick response from Carolyn at Grady White to my question regarding layout of stringers and bulkheads, for my proposed hole in the sole. Came back with a drawing and the dimensions. Got to love their customer relations!!!!
  12. T

    Adventure main and kicker controls Set up

    Do not know much about the Seastar xtreme, I have the Yam 704 dual control with trim and tilt. Made up my own connection from kicker to main which stays fixed with both or individual motors up or down. You could sell the single controls to help pay for the upgrade to duals.
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    Drain plugs in rear deck scuppers?

    Lucky, I think you want just the flappers, not replacing the whole drain. I purchased flappers locally but could only get 1 1/2 ", on my 208 the flappers are 1 7/16" so cut them down to size. It is a very close fit and they have to be right on or they will stick.
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    Cockpit sole hatch

    Thanks Dennis, I have cut a few holes in this lovely lady but not in her very sole. In search for suitable hatch here on the Island but maybe will need look further afield. Have yet to zero in on the final dimensions. Found using a deep penetrating stud censor showed the bulkheads and...
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    Cockpit sole hatch

    I believe the space I am considering is the same on the 228.......anybody??
  16. T

    Cockpit sole hatch

    Searching out a little more storage space on my 208 and questioning if anyone has installed a hatch between the fuel tank bulkhead and the cabin bulkhead? There is quite bit of room there (24" x 14") from my rough measurements. It is just forward of the seats and starts about 10 inches from...
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    WTB Grady 208 or 226 Canada

    Mustang, it is time .......for you to start "Grady White location and tutorial" service. You certainly do have the ability to track down what is potentially available, with considerable insight and personal info. :):)
  18. T

    Adding power assist to a 228?

    Agree with wspitler, there should be no need for power steering on a single outboard Seastar hydraulic steering unit. I have an F200 i4 and can easily turn the wheel with a coupe of fingers on the steering knob (wheel spinners). Lucky, be sure to check out your steering system before you add...
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    Found My Grady

    Consider a Beats washing your hand every time you check a grubby hub. I pack mine in the truck for any distance hauling, easy check!!!
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    Adventure208 Deck Hatch Mod

    Replaced my two 6 inch splashwell hatches with two Armstrong 10 inch. Makes access oh so much easier!!