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  1. O

    Will your Grady float if capsized or swamped?

    I think those were taken fairly soon, before the boat finished expelling trapped air in the cabin and below the deck. She almost certainly would have capsized, at best exposing only a slick bottom or more likely sinking. For initial stability and remaining afloat, much depends on the state of...
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    Safety Equipment

    No, you didn’t miss it. Decided too large and challenging for our usual crew. Except for the few times we were in a canyon or “overboard”, we were never deeper than where we could anchor. Or, I could deploy both anchors on one rode and get the same result as the sea anchor. We had, and used...
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    Voyager 258 with 225hp?

    We purchased our 2002 Islander 270 new in March 2002. Although rated at 500hp, it had a single 250hp OX66. It was adequate at best and we repowered in Oct 2005 to twin F150s. The 225 four stroke is not a strong engine, so I expect you will see the same adequate performance. The fuel...
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    Safety Equipment

    Lots of discussion here and on other sites as a result of the recent loss of two young men off east coast of Florida. I decided to start this thread. Although we sold our Islander in January for health reasons, many of you know me from years on this site. My background includes electronics...
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    Bilge pump

    That is what I used to replace the forward OEAM pump.
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    Running at night

    Russ was. We've talked. He should know I'm pulling his leg.
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    Running at night

    Snipes belong in the hole. Ship drivers on the bridge. :):D Pay all my expenses and I'll come train you for a week. Master, Oceans, Steam, Motor or Sail, 1600 Tons Chief Mate, Oceans, Unlimited Commander, USN (Ret) US Navy Senior Offshore Sailing Skipper
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    What cushions are these

    This. ^^^^^ One corner cut at an angle, two snaps to hold in place. Make those areas great jump seats.
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    265 center rigger?

    A friend at our marina had 18-ft gunnel mount Lee outriggers. He bent one near the bottom. I used the top 12-ft of it and the small 45-degree mount. Single rigged it and it worked great for the WWWWFB bird. I put that rod in the upper holder on the stbd rear leg of the hardtop, essentially...
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    Bilge pump

    The larger capacity pump is mounted very far aft. It almost never runs, unless you are really flushing the bilges, or you use a trailer and the water runs aft when you lift the bow. The smaller pump is under the cabin sole, sort of accessible through the pie-plate at the aft end of that deck...
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    Resolved - Newbie Questions on a 282 Sailfish

    In that case, I will expect to hear from you.
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    Resolved - Newbie Questions on a 282 Sailfish

    Thanks for the nice comment. I have an empty 13.5K lift behind the house, if you want to visit the left coast. :) :) :)
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    Resolved - Newbie Questions on a 282 Sailfish

    If you were closer I’d spend a day with you for familiarization...
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    It's official.....

    Get one of these so you can fly it on the way back in. Flag
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    Size anchor vs dock lines

    No surprise at needing someone to "assist" the line into the locker. Using 8-plait will make all the difference, as it 'falls' much like chain does, and doesn't need all that assistance to lay down. The locker on our Islander 270 is much smaller than your Marlin, and we had no problem with our...
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    Does the radar have to have a wedge?

    The vertical beam width is likely 25* on that radar. You may see a little bit of difference between target detection dead ahead when the boat is moving slowly and when the bow is higher when up on plane. But you will be quite "safe" in either case, at least wrt the radar performance. I had...
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    Paint Maintenance

    What is a "side wall" on a boat? I've been around boats for about 60 years but never heard that terminology.
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    Size anchor vs dock lines

    Order it here, with the splice done, and the swivel ready on the chain. Not cheap, but high-quality line, chain and splicing.
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    Towing and transporting

    My first thought as well, although it certainly has other complicating factors. Lived in Norfolk, VA for 44 years and have been up and down the Chesapeake Bay dozens of times, plus ocean between Norfolk and Newport, RI, with side trips to the Vineyard and Nantucket. Several trips between...
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    Anyone know what these keys are for?

    Small ones for the Southco latches on the companionway, and the larger ones fit the small lockers under the two seats in the cockpit, and the one on the helm instruments if it has a lockable door.