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    Yamaha repower questions

    Our 2002 Islander 270 was rated at 500HP, as is your 2002 Sailfish 282. First image from 2002 GW brochure, and second image from 2002 Sailfish 282 Owner's Manual.
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    Islander 268 live well/fish box plumbing

    Our 2002 Islander 270 had the same cockpit layout as you do. The aft port was a drop-in bin that worked great with a small trash bag in it. The outboard section of the area behind the post seat is intended as the livewell. The water entry was a 90-degree feeder near the bottom on the inboard...
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    Inssenglass question on Bimini Top

    We had the factory Vista Top when we purchased our 2002 Islander 270. It had full curtains as well. Had to remove and store the curtains before collapsing the Vista Top, i.e. a bimini. The difficulty of getting those curtains in place when needed was a major factor in adding a custom hardtop...
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    Top ordered! WOOT!

    Russ, in that same photo you can see what I mentioned a while back. The aft end of the frame is at the back of the top. The OEM frame has the aft end of it about one foot forward of the back of the top. Top is same length as OEM. The difference is that my aft drop curtains (which you may...
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    Top ordered! WOOT!

    Here is "C-Time" when first delivered, new, in March 2002. Also some shots of her when the custom top was installed by S&S Marine seven months later. Finally, what it looked like after some additional customization. Just to provide some ideas to folks.
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    Finding someone to build a dang hard top is a pita

    Russ, I'm not an expert but I watched our hardtop get fabricated, and got to know that Norfolk, VA shop rather well. They made custom hardtops for boats, and needed the vessel available. Preferably at the shop, or at least close by. They also made tops for a well-known company in NC. These...
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    Best Windlass for Gulfstream?

    Yes, very easy to find a suitable location and connect two cables. The important part is to NOT have a run of wire that is unprotected by a breaker located very near the power source. A bit of chafe, a short, and a nice electrical fire with no breaker protection. ABYC says within seven...
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    Best Windlass for Gulfstream?

    If you installed the breaker that comes with the windlass near the helm, as it should be, and fed it with new wiring from the batteries aft, but did not put a feeder breaker in very close proximity to the batteries, then you have a long run of unprotected wiring. That's why the ABYC has...
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    Seems a shame - mid berth

    Mid-berth wouldn't be where the fridge and microwave are. It would be aft of the companionway steps, under the bridge deck area. That area currently has a lot of empty space on the port side, a lot of structural support under the helm on the starboard side, and centerline is the holding tank...
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    Best Windlass for Gulfstream?

    You may find some pre-wiring for a windlass, but it will only be from the helm area to the bow. When I initially installed a windlass on our 2002 Islander I asked GW where they got the power for the windlass and they said to just connect it at the helm. That is a bad idea, as that is fed from...
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    265 Coaming Bolster removal

    Use your fingers on the mesh on the bottom and you will likely find some small holes. Up inside these are the screws that hold the bolsters in place. Once these are removed, you can lift the bolsters vertically off the bent SS supports.
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    270 Islander in the Naples/Marco area?

    Sorry about that....
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    Bilge pumps the same?

    Russ, I'm a plankowner on here. "The sea is selective, slow at recognition of effort and aptitude but fast in the sinking of the unfit."
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    Bilge pumps the same?

    Russ, please be prepared to find a mechanically competent five year old to crawl down there to swap out that pump. Unless it was changed significantly from 2002 to 2004, it is almost inaccessible. I certainly hope I am wrong, but....
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    Good morning note

    Russ, is this your new rig?
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    What am I not seeing - max towing?

    Putting it on the scale is great advice. But realize that after you do that you will know for sure that you are over the towing limit, and won't be able to claim ignorance or confusion. While the boat alone will exceed your 7000# limit, I predict that the boat and trailer will exceed the 9100#...
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    New Enclosure

    We had a custom top installed in Oct 2002, and full enclosure. We stayed with regular snaps on the bottom of the back sections, but went with lift a dot on the sides and front. Much more secure, and much easier to get on and off. And little corrosion problem, which is common in the snap...
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    Did the previous owner have an MMSI assigned to the vessel? If so, you need to: 1. get into the database from the issuing agency and update all of the pertinent owner, location and contact info 2. enter that MMSI in your new VHF If no previous MMSI, then you need to get one yourself, get the...
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    Ranges and fuel

    Russ, the Islander 270 could be built by GW for single or twin engines. If a single, then only the main 150 gal tank is installed. If for twins, then a 56 gal aux tank is adeed as a belly tank under the bridge deck area. Actually, in the bilge, under the shelf that has the water tank and the...
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    New boat contract signed and check is in the mail.

    Our boat was purchased new with the Vista top. Six months later (Oct 2002) we had a custom hard top fabricated by S&S Marine in Norfolk, VA. Mike's Marine Custom Canvas in VaBch made the full enclosure. Total was less than your HT price. Yes, a long time ago, but our top was a lot nicer than...