Search results

  1. O

    Reduce to a single from twins

    Not sure what prop you have on there, but those RPM/Speed numbers indicate a LOT of prop slip (unless you're running 13" or 14" pitch). This was the same problem I had with our original 250HP OX66 on the Islander 270. Too much boat to push with that limited blade area - improved with...
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    268 Islander Transom Issues

    I can't answer when GW went to the different, improved, wood ply for the transoms. Call GW Customer Service and they will let you know. The 268s had the bracket and shorter running surface until, I believe, the last year or two of their production, when the running surface was extended all the...
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    Windlass Lewmar V700 to a Pro Fish 700

    Ah, the one in my signature. 2002 Islander 270. Here are two photos of the installation, plus one of the pulpit after I modified it last year to a thru-pulpit anchor mount. .
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    Windlass Lewmar V700 to a Pro Fish 700

    I've installed a ProFish 700 and it works great.
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    268 Islander height?

    GW has the Owner's Manual for old models available on their website. I grabbed this one for you, put it in the cloud and here is a link.
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    268 Islander height?

    This is from the 1999 GW catalog. It should answer your question. Lots of great info on the GW website. You can download these catalogs. This is easier than lowering my lift to measure my windshield height. :) Looks like you would be restricted to the bottom half of the tide, i.e. about...
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    268 Islander performance questions.

    When we had the single 250HP OX66 I worked with a local prop shop in Chesapeake, VA. Tried a number of different props and found the best overall to be a PowerTech OFS4 x 17" pitch. We were running the 3-blade Yamaha SWS prop, but could still go to the 4-blade without reducing pitch. Strong...
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    268 Islander performance questions.

    And the results are: =ocnslr&o=date']Search as suggested
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    Radar use

    Every comment above is excellent, and spot on. Brian Master, Oceans, 1600-Tons Chief Mate, Oceans, Unlimited Commander, USN (Ret)
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    268 Islander performance questions.

    Yes, I have answered this numerous times, as well as many lengthy follow up phone conversations. Do some searching and reading, and if you still have questions pm me. Not answering here as you didn't provide any information re intended use, operwtional loading, or performance needs/expectations.
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    New here, looking for Grady

    Lots of models in that size range. Smallest with a mid-berth would be the 272/282 Sailfish, and I've never seen one without a hardtop. Islander can be single or twins, has enclosed head, and is still 24/7 trailerable. Most have hardtops.
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    Anyone using 4-blade props for twin screw F150's + 232 Gulfstream?

    What props do you have now, what performance problems are you trying to correct or improve on, and why are you contemplating switching to 4-blades? I have some experience in pushing a heavy boat with twin F150s, and with changing from the original props.
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    Removing the water heater..

    Removed ours years ago, due to non-use. Plugged the water lines, capped the power wires, and use the space for 300ft of the 600ft anchor rode.
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    Double-Wiring Electronics?

    If you feed both house and starter to a common panel, without any switching, you are essentially putting those batteries in parallel. That's why it would be a BAD idea. Lots of good books on basic 12vdc boat wiring. Google Nigel Calder books.
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    Trolling Motor on a Canyon 336??

    Here is some interesting and informative reading from a long thread on THT. Going Rhodan
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    Lee Wishbone outrigger mount

    They eat up a lot of the "walking" space, and have a strong tendency to bite your legs as you try to squeeze by. Forget it when deployed. We bought our Islander new with a soft top, so when we had a hardtop fabricated we had a choice on outrigger locations. See the pic in my signature. If...
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    Anchor/all-around light location.

    If I encountered you bow on at night, the two visible sidelights with a white light above and centered between them would indicate that your target angle was dead on the bow. In your proposed configuration, the white light offset to over the starboard gunnel would give me the incorrect - and...
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    Islander bow thruster

    I know a Frank K. from Cape May with an Islander 268. If that's you, come on down to FMB this winter and this old shipdriver will be happy to assist. Did you also remove the shelf that the water heater was mounted on, to see the space below it? Vetus does have some models that will fit, and...
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    228 sea trial

    Engine trim during WOT evaluation doesn't need a trim indicator. Start with engine(s) up just a bit. Find your open area and come up to about 5000rpm. Trim the engine up in small increments, watching the speed and rpm, until she seems "happy". Now go to full throttle, then bump the engine...
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    Pictures of grady white boat for a shirt

    I have lots of photos of our Islander 270, with some from abeam. Never heard of a 27 ft express by Grady White, unless your are referring to the 265. Much different profile views of those two models.