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    Family friendly sandbars along the bay

    Tiki bar at Cape Charles. Kids love finding sand dollars. You could run across the bay easily on a good day
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    Here We Go- 265 Express 200 Suzuki repower. Questions for the experts

    Getting ready to order some Powertech LSF4 16x20’s from PropGoods, thoughts? Thanks for any input.
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    Here We Go- 265 Express 200 Suzuki repower. Questions for the experts

    Any suggestions on getting a replacement GW sticker ? That “G” kills me!
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    Here We Go- 265 Express 200 Suzuki repower. Questions for the experts

    Update. Supposedly these are the latest version and wiring harnesses are different . Waiting on those and some fiberglass work. Digging the Black!
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    265 break-in voyage

    Making me jealous- dealer told me my starboard motor will be here in a week. Going to roll with the same props as you guys. Looks like only difference is mine are black mechanicals
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    WTB oil pumps for 2 stroke yamaha 225 1999

    Not sure yet, still de- rigging now
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    Here We Go- 265 Express 200 Suzuki repower. Questions for the experts

    Thx- fellas, please keep the info coming!
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    Here We Go- 265 Express 200 Suzuki repower. Questions for the experts

    One more question- mine didn’t come with a swim platform. Family wants one and it would make it easier to get on it when it’s on the trailer. Any pics or suggestions would be appreciated!
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    Here We Go- 265 Express 200 Suzuki repower. Questions for the experts

    Fellas- I bought this set of props for my HPDI’s before one blew. Do you think they would work on my new 200 Zuk’s?
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    WTB oil pumps for 2 stroke yamaha 225 1999

    I am repowering and I have to remove my remote tanks. I replaced both pumps about 2 years ago. Bought them new from SIM Yamaha. It’s gonna be a week or two until I get my hands and them, where are you located?
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    Here We Go- 265 Express 200 Suzuki repower. Questions for the experts

    Ordered in Oct, dropping her off Friday, I’ve seen some great info from Skunkboat, Tile Wave and others. Wanted to list my biggest questions here but feel free to add any other suggestions/Knowledge for this set up. 2001 265 Express. 880 hrs on rig. Coming out of 200 HPDI’s: 1. Mounting hole-...
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    Changing out props on 265 Express

    I bought a brand new set of 4 blades for my 01 200 HDPI’s then blew a motor and am repowering with Suzuki 200’s. Never been out of the box! Got them from Prop Gods. Any interest let me know
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    265 battery shelf

    Thanks Skunk- just heard my CR 200 Zuk just showed up and SR motor is not far behind. Going to be blowing up the repower thread soon with plenty of questions for you and the 265 brain trust.
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    265 battery shelf

    Is there anyway to visually inspect those hoses ? Even with a borescope . I have a 2001 but it only has about 900 hrs on it and it was boatel kept its whole life.
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    265 repower

    Were your throttles originally on the left?
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    Hatteras Inlet

    Oregon Inlet would be easier, but if you’re locked into HI I would monitor the Carolinas section of The Hull Truth. That channel will probably change five times by the time you get down there in May, LOL. They have been hard at work dredging up channel but it’s a mess, especially with a swell.
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    Welp…it’s official. I bought a 265

    Welcome to the cult
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    Bang plate round 2

    I replaced the aluminum bang plate on my 01 265 Express when I bought it in 2018. Waiting on new motors and want to redo or replace. Option 1 is to go back to GW and reorder their plastic bang cap. Option 2 would be to configure a Stainless piece and put over this existing piece. Thoughts? Here...