My wife and I purchased a 2007 305 Express with twin Yamahas with 500 hours back in the fall of 2015. we love the boat in every way! we had the engines scoped for any sign of corrosion and the engine tech guy connected the engines to his laptop and was able to print out all the different RPM ranges the engines were run per hour. The surveys went well and we found only some relatively minor issues over the next couple of years. We replaced both the cabin deck hatch and the hatch over the helm area. Apparently Grady White never applied sealant when they installed the hatch. Also, we found some water in the cabin and traced the source to a perfectly drilled cutout for an inspection plate behind the forward cabin cushion under the tv that opened into the anchor line storage compartment. No one ever installed the inspection plate after the hole was drilled!! One of the first things I also had done was to install a cleat near the anchor chain to help relieve the pressure on the windlass. I found the Grady White cleats too far away from the anchor line and at a weird angle (see photo). Our boat did not come with a bow thruster, but we had one installed for about $8,000. While not necessary, it sure helps me in tight dockage areas and when the current if flowing hard on the Saco River in Maine. I also find it useful in spinning the boat quickly when we are fighting a large shark etc. I do see plenty of Marlins (same hulls) with no bow thrusters also. I was also looking for a boat without a generator, but this one came with one. I only use it sparingly here in the souther coast of Maine, but it comes in handy for my wife to brew a cup of coffee etc while we are cruising.
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The only major item the surveyor found was some cracking on the water intake hose from the AC pump in the stern to the ac unit. So we had that replace right away.
good luck!