265 Express Replacement

Here are numbers for the OX66 from Boating Magazine's Dec 99 issue. I knew I kept these things for a reason...

OX66 225'2 Prop 19"x15-1/4"

rpm mph nm sm
1000 7.5 1.8 2.0
1500 9.5 1.1 1.2
2000 11.4 0.9 1.1
2500 15.9 1.1 1.3
3000 20.9 1.2 1.4 Range of 277 nm 319sm
3500 27.4 1.4 1.6 Range of 305 nm 352sm
4000 32.0 1.2 1.4 Range of 273 nm 315sm
4500 36.8 1.0 1.2 Range of 231 nm 266sm
5000 40.1 0.9 1.0
5500 44.0 0.8 1.0

That was taken with full fuel and full water with 3 onboard. I contacted the Mag and found out that these numbers were taken with closer to 3/4 of fuel on the way out. It was also flat calm, so I would suspect worse numbers on a normal trip. These engines will keep you within canyon range but will definetly make you plan wisely and have alternate plans.

Cruise with this package is 27.4, with F225's it is 28.7 according to Yamaha. 250 OX66's may boost your cruise about 1.5-2mph but the fuel consumption will be similar to the 225's or worse. With 200 HPDI's Yamaha claims cruise is 33.1mph(with 1/2 fuel, so probably closer to 31.5mph.
FishingFINattic, to me it does not make sense to go to 250 OX66's, your HPDI's provide the best fuel and speed combo for this boat. Four stroke and HPDI number's are similar except the F stroke will burn less at trolling speeds which may equate to running faster on the way home if you save some fuel trolling. It really is a toos up between HPDI's and F strokes. OX66's numbers are fine unless you plan to fish offshore a bit, you have the range but will constantly be watching the fuel guage and may end up calling your days short to safely run in.
gradyfish22 that was a great post. That really helped complete the different motor options. Your right, the hpdi's are a nice fit for the boat. I think the F-225 would be better just because of the oil factor, and better top speed. Also, with the engines so close to the fish deck, I could see the smoke bothering a few people in the cockpit while trolling with an upwind. And the ox66 225 or 250 while have good mph numbers would definitely make me worry about making it home when coming from the canyon.
I wonder what the E-tec's would do?
Conjuror said:
my mistake...I was talking at the helm. Inside you will have to duck a bit....in the head particularly. In my view it is workable below...but it IS tight if you are tall.
You have to duck in the head at 5'10" or so.
I would suspect the E-Tec nombers to be close to the HPDI numbers but until someone installs them we will not really know. Every motor preforms a little different on each boat model. I do like not having to add oil, a big plus. For what you save in fuel with HPDI's you pure back in with oil. Operating costs are probably similar in the end just IMHO four strokes are less maintenance since you have to worry about oil less. Oil change on the Four stroke is easy, I did it myself this season as well as filters.
gradyfish22 said:
Here are numbers for the OX66 from Boating Magazine's Dec 99 issue. I knew I kept these things for a reason...

With 200 HPDI's Yamaha claims cruise is 33.1mph(with 1/2 fuel, so probably closer to 31.5mph.
FishingFINattic, to me it does not make sense to go to 250 OX66's, your HPDI's provide the best fuel and speed combo for this boat.

Thanks for numbers on the OX66's. I didnt relieze it was that bad! :shock:

I dont plan on swapping..... hopefully I still have years left in life on my HPDI's.

The cruise on mine is about 30 mph with half fuel. But I usually run the motors at 4000 rpm. I have seen many people run the two strokes at a 4500 cruise.

Just thinking that if anything did happen to them, I would go with twin 250hp motors.... with the numbers you posted, I would probally just repower with twin F250's and move the scuppers up a few inches.

Sitting here in Ct we are bracing for a 6-10 inch snow storm - it seems like spring is so far away......

Hey Tim. Good luck with the snow. Here on Long Island we are supposed to get some snow, but not as much as you. Is moving the scuppers the only thing that needs to be done to put 4-strokes on? Is it a big job to move the scuppers up a few inches? And what year 265's need to have this done? I think just the 2000 - 2002 years.

265 express

Just killing time waiting for the Giants to start...really need to do some paperwork and go help my dad clean his garage but you can tell I am reading Great Grady and thinking about bluewater fishing?

Tim pretty much says what i have to say about the 265 express, we talk alot on and offline about our boats (we have the 03 with 4 strokes)..and the comments from the Grady sales guys are always the same / positive about the 265 express...i dont need to repeat anything that has been said, this is the only 26 foot fishing platform (with a cuddy)

I don't want to break up the thread about engine performance...all i can comment on is our four strokes. I am also 6 feet tall and can stand comfortably in the cuddy and for the matter the head...with regard to the steps into the cuddy, you have to use the handholds when you step down and into the cuddy.its narrow and can be slick if wet, but remember a) its a boat and b) its only 26 feet!

At 6'4" you may have to scrunch a tad...our boat is in south norwalk and is generally in the water by april...same offer stands as tims for anyone who wants to look at it or go for a spin...

As for the layout of a boat, in my humble opinion, the key is finding what works for you? I fish locally in the norwalk area, off the long island sound, the goal is fish first, wife and family second, they know that, this is dads territory. I think back to my grandfathers boat that i grew up on, he would be rolling in his grave if he saw how boat building (especially fishing boats, has morphed into approval from the wife..PLEASE!!!!! C'mon, does the little lady ask you if you like the new dishes she brought home from Bed Bath and Beyond??? ok, enough venting and hopefully i didn't offend anyone? We fish the 265 express very hard and everywhere from local grounds to Port Jeff to Hempstead harbor comfortably, we will run offshore with the boys, you can spend an overnite with the wife (kids in sleeping bags on the deck if they are home and come girls 10 and 13, but usually its just the two of us and great!), you can tube off the back or take her into skinny water to get near any nice beach, plus we LOVE that the engines are built onto the transom..no bracket or space sucking eurostyle transom, we had a crazy mako run back and forth near the stern, would have been a disaster with a bracket...we never wanted a walkaround as i always felts it pinched to much space, again, my needs, but i dont have a dog. As for the kids and a non walkaround, c'mon thats how we all grew up? Grandpa would say, hold onto the rails, if you fall into the water we will circle back and get you! Like Tim, who cares about a dinnette in a 26 foot boat? We figured if we bring chow to eat, we are either eating outside on the deck, the beach, or on the dock at westlake marina! yes, the fridge is under there, but you have gotta like the storage built underneath the cuddy?

This is a solid fishing machine, probably the best 26 foot cuddy cabin boat every built, but what i also like, is how easy she cleans up! No fancy woodwork, carpets, foo-foo stuff..ya know what i mean?

Ok, what else has my interest, the talk about moving to the 28 Carolina Classic? To me, and being a realist, that would be a next move for me...unless i win the lotto...

I know its a great boat, great reputation and a solid platform...i think they have done wonders with some of their touches and are constently tinkering with the deck layout, colors (meaning no more yellow decks, or just two seats, etc)...the only, only, only negative I have heard is the that freeboard is very low and they may roll a tad on the drift?

I am just wondering if there are any of you reading who have any comments? No, my 265 is not for sale and I am not moving up, but I sell for a living, have goals, and I love kicking tires at the boat shows and llike most of you, would always love a bigger boat!
Yeah snow is predicted here too. Luckily I was at a tackle swap yesterday so I have some spreader bars and daisy chains to rig while watching some football today.

As for repowering and moving scuppers up, it is not a horrible job and a good yard or fiberglass guy can do it. They would need to remove the engine well plate to get to it. While down there I would recommend changing any fuel hoses while you have easier access. Also check seals around the thru hull transducer if you have one. Cuttig the holes and filling them is the easy part, finding a guy who can blend in the old holes and make it look like the never existed is a little harder but can be done. My boat is in the last week in April so any NJ guys who wanna sea trial one let me know, maybe we will do some striper fishing as well :D .

I'd also wonder how a Suzuki 250 Four stroke would preform on this boat. I'm partial to my Yammie's but the Suzukis 250's got great reviews and the people I know who have them love them. the Zuke's weigh 580lbs, Yamaha is 604. E- Tecs would be 530, but don't forget, they have an oil reservoir and such so they will be more like 550. Most sea trials comparing the Yammie's and Zuke's put the Zuke's fuel efficieny better then the Yamaha, just wonder how much it would be on this boat and if switching over controls and such would be worth it.
Re: 265 express

eppem said:
but what i also like, is how easy she cleans up! No fancy woodwork, carpets, foo-foo stuff..ya know what i mean?

Really good point. I have had to hose down the cabin inside after returning from a tuna trip before.... Just push the cushions up towards the bow and hose away. There are drains everywhere.

I think that matching the glass work is a none issue, since the current scupper location will be painted over with bottom paint.

I believe it is only the 2000 and 2001 models that have the lower scuppers. I have looked into the scuppers and there is no reason Grady could not of put them up 3 inches right from the start....

a little tip for 265 owners regarding the "slick steps" going down into cuddy-- my friend and i layed a few strips of 3M grip tape(we used black) it was about 2 inches wide and we used 3 strips on each step--- unbelievable difference, never slipped again!
I have a 2000 (bottom painted) with OX66 250s and get about 1.3mpg cruising at 3500rpm and 29mph. My overall consumption drops to 1.1 to 1.2 when mixed in with about 30-40% trolling.

fishingFINattic said:
firefisher said:
the OX66's 250 must be a joke when it comes to fuel range.

I am not so sure about that. It is my understanding that the later OX66's were pretty decent on fuel.

I think that with twin 250 OX66's you would cruise at 3400 to 3600 RPM instead of the 4000 with the twin 200's.

I had actually thought if something happened to my motors, I would repower with twin 250's. If the timing was right I would have the scuppers moved up and hang twin F250's off of the back OR I would find a clean used set of OX66's and install them. Definitly 250 horsepower motors.......
When I am looking at 100 miles one way to the fishing grounds, and faced with flat calm seas (usually the case if I am making this type of trip) I would love to cruise at 35mph instead of 30!

I would love for someone with 500 horse on a 265 Express to chim in.

Here is another tip for wet feet going into cabin. On my current and previous boat I have placed a bathmat at the cabin door. There are many sizes available. Mine is about 2x4 or there abouts. Check Walmart or KMart. They are inexpensive, come in nice colors (mine is navy), and have a rubber backing to grip. When dirty just toss it in the wash.

For Marlin owners, I have a smaller version on the step up to the helm deck.
Thanks for the numbers VVreddy, that is about where I figured they would be. Unfortunately for most of us in the NE, that puts us out of range of the offshore fishing grounds. For me it is a 100sn run each way plus troll time. Most of us in the NE would be running in on fumes at that burn rate. I'd need to convert my 265 to a blow boat once I reached the canyon to troll just to have the fuel to safely make that run and have some reserve.