300 Marlin Rode


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Curious what folks have on the boat. I believe the factory issued rode is 30' of 1/4" chain and either 250 or 300 feet of 1/2 inch nylon 8 plait line.
Going to replace mine this year and looking for advice.
Also, I have a Delta 22lb fast set anchor that has worked well for me. Was just going to install on the new rode. ok?

30' of chain 300' of rode, although I'm not sure that's Factory specs.

Same Delta Fastset as well. Like yours, mine has worked in everything but heavy weeds.
If your Delta works well, why change? The amount of line you need depends on what depth, water conditions and durations you typically anchor. In addition, there is a practical limit to how much line your locker can accommodate.
For me in calmish seas, I figure 3 to 5 times the depth for line deployed. For harsher seas or strong currents/winds, I let out 5 to 7 times the depth. If you overnight at anchor, figure a 7-10 : 1 ratio. Also note that shorter ratios may need longer lengths of chain to work well.
I have 30 feet of chain and 300 feet of rode on my Marlin, the same delta anchor. It has always worked for me. I agree with Magicalbill, I do not think that is from the factory specs. I had the dealer add that to my order.
Not planning to change the anchor. Thanks, I'll go with the 30/300 foot set up.
Something to consider is that going with more chain is never a bad idea - better holding power and having more weight in the bow helps things, too.
A couple of guys on the web can do various configs. I'm also having a local firm (prefer to give the local guy the business) investigate. Seems to come down to the thimble splicing. A lot of guys don't want to do it. The other issue is many sell standard configs 100' with 10' chain. 200' with 20' etc and don't do custom. I'm sure I'll get it sorted by spring. Thanks to all for your help.
If you're going through a windlass, you shouldn't have a thimble. Do you mean the chain to rope splice? A chain to rope splice is pretty straight forward - you could make whatever you want, yourself. I've done more than I can count. Make 3 tucks, then thin by a third and make two more tucks, thin again, etc. It'll have no problem going through a windlass that way.
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If you're going through a windlass, you shoudln't have a thimble. Do you mean the chain to rope splice? A chain to rope splice is pretty straight forward - you could make whatever you want, yourself. I've done more than I can count. Make 3 tucks, then thin by a third and make two more tucks, thin again, etc. It'll have no problem going through a windlass that way.
Just put 150 ft of chain spliced to 200 ft if rode,i am on Vancouver island , more chain the better.
Hi Dennis,
Stand corrected. I need a splice as it will be going through the windlass as you state. My b.
Surprised to find the old rode is approx 300' of line and only 15' of chain. Will be bumping that up to 30' of chain.
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It all depends on where you are anchoring and why. 300' doesn't get you very deep if you are fishing reefs or wrecks.
I suppose if its been enough for past years it should be enough for you in the future.
I've used 15' of chain forever but my crew has to pull it by hand. I have 600' of 3 strand with multiple splices. Adding a capstan for this season:) (if the weather ever cooperates).
Surprised to find the old rode is approx 300' of line and only 15' of chain. Will be bumping that up to 30' of chain.
As long as you've got the rope "free" - give it a good wash and then soak in fabric softener/water.

EDIT: Holy crap, I had some grammatical mistakes... even forgot a word or two!
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I would double check my windlass specs, before ordering new rode. 1/2" eight plait seems a little small to me.
The boat came with it and I got 15 years out of it. So I'll stick with it.