A question about trailers

Agreed Parthery.

I go by MrIdiot because I'm new and making all the mistakes there are to make. I'm not convinced that a 7K trailer is safe. I got alarmingly close to 6K for boat, hard top, curtains, 772 pounds of gas and water, electronics, downriggers, gear, etc. I think that trailer is about 1200 pounds, if the boat is 6K it is slightly over. It's close, it is right at the edge and why would we want to be at the edge? I'm guessing they make 8K trailers and maybe that is the right answer.

All this stuff is making me rethink why did the dealer give me a Pacific, I'm looking hard at Load-rites and liking them better. Between here and the hull truth, I have had so many people say that trailer is a joke for my $143K boat (price bumped for electronics).

I'm also losing faith in my dealer, they knew I am green. It sure would have been nice to have been told to run straps through the eye bolt so the boat won't go forward. I'm curious about people use for straps, my flatbed straps are 3 inches wide, no way they'd go through the eye, and they are rated for 10,000 pounds static. A 6K boat moving at speed and trying to stop is gonna be more than 10K pounds of force.
I can tell you that Pacific is Gradys Whites West Coast builder.

I think the "bones" of the trailer are excellent, therefore the higher price.

I love the way the trailer loads. I would keep your trailer and let them make good for you.

These trailers are all over the coast on expensive hulls.
Lee can you reverser the winch and Mount it on the other side ? Look like it unbolts
For comparison, this is my winch stand......I still don't know why your winch is upside down....

The winch strap can be angled down because that keeps the boat from bouncing. Horizontal won't do that. OK, I can see that.
And the follow up question... OK, Mr. Dealer... how does a strap, pulling down at that angle, allow me to pull the boat FORWARD easily? Math/science/physics... apparently this is the Bermuda triangle where none of that exists. And especially... far enough to get the bow eye under bow roller. OK, sure, a strap at that angle helps to keep the bow from bouncing. But without the bow eye lodged snugly under the bow roller... coming to a hard stop simply gives the boat a running start!
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Yes but will have to drill new holes into frame. I'm gonna hold off and see how hard it is to winch once the new glides are installed on the bunks.

Probably a good way to get my left bicep to even out with my right :p
I don't know about y'all but unless that's a 192, you ain't winching no boat up no trailer unless you are Steve Austin, the $6 Million Dollar Man. Cousin Eddy told me that much.

I am going with 3 as well and add Conjunction junction to it.

I drive my boat to the winch stand or is it wench stand. Either way, once it's there the under thing seems to reduce the bounce. I have a solid bar with a tensioner attached to a hook with clasp. This keeps the boat from bouncing.
3-2-1 contact was a good one too....I remember my 6th grade science teacher giving us extra credit if we watched.

Under normal circumstances I float mine up to the winch stand as well. However, when I was working through my quit/no start issue, I did have to winch it all the way up twice.

I have a 2 speed winch on mine. So, other than getting a really good cardio workout, it wasn't bad at all. If you have a single speed winch, then you will get your butt kicked trying to winch it all the way on.
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conjunction junction what your function?

I agree on the winching, especially with bunks, get the trailer in lower and float boat up to the winch or drive up to it. I dont think you should be winching up the trailer a considerable distance on bunks. just from experience.

oh...remember the Electric Company...
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I have the 228 trailer too. And on that note , I HATE that I have to crank it left handed counter clockwise like yours, and I wish they would have rigged the 3,200 lb rated Fulton winch instead of the 2,000 lb.

Doesn't feel like it quite cuts it IMHO.

I'd call them back. I just talked to Luis and he is shipping me new parts. I asked if he could send me a heavier duty winch, he is and he said keep the smaller one as a spare, not worth it to send it back.

I'm also reasonably sure I can copy what I've seen on other trailers, get some 1/2" plate and move the roller up so the winch can be on top and the roller can be above the eye. Pain in the butt that you have to mess around but it is what it is.

It is worth mentioning that his reason for putting the winch underneath is that if they are on top they hit the bow pulpit. I'll have to take a look at that before changing things.

Really, the right answer is for them to source a winch that is designed to be underneath, reverse the crank direction. This is sort of kludged together. Especially for a trailer that expensive.

But Pacific is standing behind it as best they can.

On the weight, the boat, with downriggers and other gear, is about 5300 pounds with full gas and water according to GW. That leaves a budget of 1700 pounds, I don't think that trailer weighs that, I'd guess more like 1000-1200 pounds. So it seems fine for a 7K GVWR.
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conjunction junction what your function?

I agree on the winching, especially with bunks, get the trailer in lower and float boat up to the winch or drive up to it. I dont think you should be winching up the trailer a considerable distance on bunks. just from experience.

oh...remember the Electric Company...
A hanker for a hunk of cheese
I'd call them back. I just talked to Luis and he is shipping me new parts. I asked if he could send me a heavier duty winch, he is and he said keep the smaller one as a spare, not worth it to send it back.

I'm also reasonably sure I can copy what I've seen on other trailers, get some 1/2" plate and move the roller up so the winch can be on top and the roller can be above the eye. Pain in the butt that you have to mess around but it is what it is.

It is worth mentioning that his reason for putting the winch underneath is that if they are on top they hit the bow pulpit. I'll have to take a look at that before changing things.

Really, the right answer is for them to source a winch that is designed to be underneath, reverse the crank direction. This is sort of kludged together. Especially for a trailer that expensive.

But Pacific is standing behind it as best they can.

On the weight, the boat, with downriggers and other gear, is about 5300 pounds with full gas and water according to GW. That leaves a budget of 1700 pounds, I don't think that trailer weighs that, I'd guess more like 1000-1200 pounds. So it seems fine for a 7K GVWR.
That's very good news.

Says alot about Pacific Trailers right there.

Its unfortunately your having these issues with new gear.

They will resolve and you will still have an enviable setup!