A question about trailers

Don’t lift it from the bow eye.

Leave the old winch stand in place and go find a ramp. Back the trailer in the water and let out enough winch strap to allow the boat to float backward a bit. Then pull the boat out and swap the winch stands.
Best way imo
Don’t lift it from the bow eye.

Leave the old winch stand in place and go find a ramp. Back the trailer in the water and let out enough winch strap to allow the boat to float backward a bit. Then pull the boat out and swap the winch stands.

So that's kinda hard to do, it would be very fiddly. And dangerous because the old bowpost provides zero holding power, if I have to stomp on the brakes the boat would be in my flatbed.

Do you know for _fact_ that the bow eye won't let me tilt the boat up? That seems counter intuitive because that eye is what you chain the boat to the trailer with. Seems like it would have to be strong if it is going to stop the boat.
If you want to drop the boat in the water you can install the new winchpost where ever you can secure the boat drive to the boat ramp, drop her in the drink then move the post back where you want it to be and load the boat on. If it was me I would secure the trailer and pull her back from the rear eye hooks with the tractor.
Carpeted bunks are not ideal for two reasons, first the boat is hard to launch and retrieve unless you float it off on steep ramps or put that truck in the drink as well.and second they wear through very quick unless you float the boat on and off.
I use bunk slides http://www.surfixinc.com/surfix_trailer_bunkslides.html.
Install them and you will never look back. Boat slides off almost as good as rollers and you can drive her on very easy .
I would put a heavy duty ratchet strap From the nearest crossbeam to the bow eye and back to the nearest crossbeam To keep it from going forward. Then get it to the launch. Too much can happen monkeying around trying to lift and slide the boat on the trailer. Just strap it good with a few straps if it makes you feel better.
I have bunk slides on all my 5 of my trailers. They are awesome. Just don’t unhook your bow eye until the transom is in the water. Boat might fall off and crack your lower unit like a coconut. Lol. I have had a few customers do that.
I wouldn't hesitate to ask THEM to swap it out for you.

By the way, I am that guy who's carpeting fried in places after only 4 launches :cool:

Good luck,

If you are worried about keeping the boat secure, a ratchet strap from the bow eye to the cross members will hold the boat in place for you to tow it to the ramp.

The bow eye is designed for straight pull force. It’s not designed to support the weight of the boat. If your boat has the “bow lifting eye”option, you can lift from there. But lifting from the bow eye can have disastrous consequences. I speak from experience unfortunately.
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Letting the dealer figure it out is best, but just in case you don't want to hassle with it...

I've lifted (and other guys at the shop) COUNTLESS boats using the bow eye and stern eyes. The keel (in this case the bow keel) is extremely strong. This boat is nowhere near the size where slings would be needed.

However, if you lift the bow only, you increase the pressure on the bunks at the rear. I would just leave it as is and pull it backwards. Spray the bunks down real well with water - or even a silicone spray. Hook up the tractor and pull 'er backwards. Totally fine - no issues - been there done that many times. This is different than loading where one of the strake edges point loads on the bunk under some speed - that's where the burning happens. You're pulling the flats of the hull against the flats of the bunks - all good.
Hi all,

Just wanted to wrap this up. I got in contact with Luis at Pacific Trailer and he is a stand up dude. He was super sorry that this had happened, he took full responsibility (I think my dealer shares in that but whatever) and he sent me out replacement parts to fix it, including a 3700 pound winch to replace the 2000 pound winch. Told me to keep the old winch as a spare.

I started down the path of installing it myself, realized that it wasn't going to work, even with two tractors to do stuff, pulling the boat back to get it in the right spot was going to just pull the trailer around. I started trying to secure the trailer and eventually went "wait, I paid full retail for this boat and didn't complain, why am I working on it?" Called my dealer and they said bring it down, I said hell no, if the boat lands in my flatbed because of no winch post they are going to say I didn't secure it, I'm going to say they gave me a defective trailer, we're going to court and I'll win but I'll lose because it will be 2-3 years later before I can fish.

So I called Luis at Pacific and said my dealer is dragging their heels, can you light a fire under them? I have no idea (well, I can imagine) what he said but they slunk in here the next morning, hooked up the boat, and slunk out of here without saying boo to me.

It's all fixed and it seems sorted, check it out:

Notice the bracing arms that weren't in the first version, Luis says those should have been there for any 7K GVWR trailer and up. He let someone go over this.
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This is much better set up, glad you sorted it out.
I have to say I'm still not a fan they way the winch is set up, at least it won't move now.
Luis reached out to let me know you were taken care of. I have a few parts headed my way for my trailer. Glad the company took care of you and it was good to be able to talk to them regarding my trailer too.

Hi Whaler87,
Thank you for the heads up. We have already addressed the situation direct with the customer and we made a mistake on our end when making the trailer. Customer is happy now. We appreciate the heads up.

Kind regards,
Luis C.
Unfair to call out Grady-White for a crappy designed trailer. Grady doesn't build trailers, they build boats. I thought Pacific trailers were better built than that, but that is one cheesy winch stand.

My Loadmaster winch post.

Okay, I feel much better seeing someone else that puts a strap on the boat like I do.. lol

I need a better means of getting my boat ON to the roller and keeping it there. My dang boat keeps slipping about 6-8" off the roller. Fairly new strap, but I have stretched that bugger over and over.

I think I need a heavier winch... so it can hold.. and maybe carry a trunk monkey with biceps like 3ft round.. lol.

My problem is training the person on the ground to take their time and make sure it is on....can't do it and drive the boat and dang sure not letting them drive :P

I just enjoyed lunch with JJMag here in Atlanta as he passed through.

He got the boat...he got the Owens trailer...had a great few days in Savannah but the hurricane has chased him west. It's a great looking boat....last seen headed north on I-75 toward Chattanooga. I suggested the Tenn River near Nickajack or maybe the Land Between the Lakes in Western KY for some boating spots as he heads home.

Safe travels.....it was a pleasure meeting in person....
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Parthery it was great meeting you and thank you again for lunch, Monday hopefully will be dropping the boat off at TNT in Reno Nevada to get the bottom paint removed and the gelcoat buffed out .


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So in the I am an idiot department. You have heard me complain about my trailer, this one is on me.

I'm a newbie and I just got schooled. I had my trailer in one spot, hooked it up to move it so my guy could trim the bushes so I had a wider spot to back into. I just hooked the ball, didn't do anything else because I was moving it maybe 150 feet.

Here is the screw up. I tried to back and the brakes locked up. I tried again, they locked up. I thought the trailer was the problem, I had googled, there are trailers that have a manual way to not let them lock up. I looked, my did not.

So I was super frustrated and sent an email to my dealer and the trailer guy bitching them out. And then Barry told me you have to have the electrical hooked up to back up. Yep, he is right. I had to eat crow for my dealer and the trailer guy. If this helps some other newbie, go you. The whole experience made me wonder what else do I not know? This boating thing is a steep learning curve, every time I think I know it, I get schooled in something I don't know.