I think the biggest time that using a broker makes sense is when you're struggling to sell the boat, it's a buyer's market, it's out of season, etc. Which would take me to my next point of, if you're serious about selling the boat then I'd list it during the summer. That way, you're going to likely get the best price and have the greatest number of people interested in the boat. Not sure where you're located at, but if you're in a location where you've got winter months and keep the boat in storage then you're likely going to have considerably fewer people interested in the boat at that point. Also, as mentioned above would be that if you list the boat during the summer and it takes a couple of weeks or months to sell then you're still only looking at maybe late September or early October at the latest. Which again, you're still likely to get a higher selling price than you would during say January or February. I've never sold anything with a broker before, but did buy my last boat through a broker and it was a pretty simple process. That being said, I definitely wouldn't want to give part of the selling price to a broker that literally just advertises the boat for you and not much else, as I can do that on my own.