Groco pump -simple macerator retrofit- 265 Express

I added a 1" elbow to the OUT port to prevent kinking of the clear tubing. ( I wanted a short piece of clear to see whats happening)
My setup is pumping liquid waste with no problems.
I calibrated the SCAD level sensor to indicate the correct levels.

Haven't had the pleasure of testing solids yet.
If I recall correctly.... years ago, my 2001 Marlin .. I went thru the same situation .... After about half dozen times of dealing with the Groco , I was done with it !!! What idiot ever thought that set up was a good idea ??? My recollection is that top of the tank had one or two pipe threaded female fittings... I threaded a pvc pipe into the tank and it reached about an inch off the bottom... I connected a hose from that pipe to the inlet of a self priming maceration pump which I mounted to the stringer on the starboard side. I connected the original wiring and discharge hose to the maceration pump . This worked very well, ..My only regret was that I was too stupid to do it sooner !!!!
My boat is a 92 and in tank macerator and sensors did not work. I think it was 800$ for a new pump. Pulled the pump and put a small bilge pump in its place. Used a small section of pcv and adapters to original hose. Switched the in tank pump 12v supply at the cabin bulkhead panel. It is a #1 only system, anything more and its plastic bag time. We call it the ladies room. The 280 Marlin also has the self flushing head by the backdoor, preserving the how deep is it or how cold is the water jokes.