Gulfstream fish table

i plan on installing Seasucker mounts to the bottom of my fillet table this winter so it is not permeant
Depends on how big of fish you catch!! Just Kidding. That was there already from the GW factory like some sort of lame cutting board but I sure didn’t mind it being there for my installation. Truth is the lid itself seems more than strong enough - especially if you use the SS backing plates (recommend) from Burnewiin
The ones from the guy on THT look to be a great quality. I think my biggest reservation with mounting a bait table would be the fact that on a 228 Seafarer, you've got the live well right in front of where you'd be mounting it. So, you'd have to offset it forward or something, or else you'd have to be leaning forward to use the table.
I have had people sit and stand on the lid on my 305. That lid is solid. I assume your gulfstream is similar.