Happy new owner

All great advice...

Last year, I knew exactly how to dial her in for the best ride using a combo of motor trim and trim tabs. However, after installing a fuel flow sensor this off season, it has almost created a conflict of interest. My best ride definitely does not translate into the most fuel efficient ride. I find myself now balancing between the two, what makes the family comfortable while delivering the best fuel efficiency. The former always wins...

It was nice just listening to what sounded efficient and felt comfortable. More info means more data to analyze and judge...

Also, trim tab indicators are great but I don’t have them and have no issue. I know some guys count how many seconds it takes to get fully deployed and use that to figure out where they are. I reset them after every trip so I start fresh each time.

Had trim tab indicators on the last boat and they were convenient for sure. I’m in the same situation as you now and got used to operating the tabs in one second bursts. If I need to reset I hold both sides in retract/bow up for a count of 5-7 seconds and start over. Thanks for bringing this up since I’m not sure how many others have those euro style tab controls.

It’s nice to run the boat on feel/comfort and I’d venture that there’s such a thing as too much information, especially for us engineer types. It would be fair to say all the data can lead to constantly analyzing gauges and indicators to the point where one gets analysis paralysis and ends up beating up the boat and crew for the sake of maximum efficiency. I am guilty for beating up my crew while marveling at high mpg but am hopefully guilty less often since the real captain (wife) reminded me to “drive nicer” when she was on board a while back.
I'm late to the thread but congrats on the new boat! Always good to see the West Coast Grady community grow.

All I'm doing is exactly what Grady says to do. And I came to it independently.

Shrug, works for me.

I watched the same video when I got my boat but then came across “Tabman” (aka Tom McGow) and his explanations to various threads like these on THT and other sites. It was incredibly helpful and too bad he isn’t around to share his thoughts here.

That being said, I don’t get why the Grady video doesn’t share such advice. Is it because they are targeting their entire customer base and don’t want to over complicate it???
I watched the same video when I got my boat but then came across “Tabman” (aka Tom McGow) and his explanations to various threads like these on THT and other sites. It was incredibly helpful and too bad he isn’t around to share his thoughts here.

That being said, I don’t get why the Grady video doesn’t share such advice. Is it because they are targeting their entire customer base and don’t want to over complicate it???
I think if trimming the engine works, it is less complicated. It works for me but clearly not for everyone.
I think if trimming the engine works, it is less complicated. It works for me but clearly not for everyone.
Like lucky said all along - it’s about figuring out your comfort level and ocean conditions. Art not a science
It's not just me, read this thread and lots of people prefer engine over tabs.

But I get it, that doesn't work for some boats.
I watched the same video when I got my boat but then came across “Tabman” (aka Tom McGow) and his explanations to various threads like these on THT and other sites. It was incredibly helpful and too bad he isn’t around to share his thoughts here.

That being said, I don’t get why the Grady video doesn’t share such advice. Is it because they are targeting their entire customer base and don’t want to over complicate it???

I think you’re on to something regarding the Grady videos being very basic. Adding tab manipulation into the equation of controlling vessel trim/comfort/efficiency complicates things in a non-linear fashion as the tabs can counteract or magnify the effects of engine trim in addition to controlling other aspects of vessel behavior. Engine trim is fairly consistent and universal in installation and operation whereas tabs vary in installation location, size, and overall effectiveness on each specific hull and conditions.

It would be impossible to put out a generic video to cover tab use for all situations so it’s probably better from a responsibility and liability standpoint to not even broach the subject in a single video. If engine trim only was sufficient for all situations then trim tabs would become the exception rather than the norm.

This is where forums become helpful as they can address specific situations and provide far more tailored responses. Tabman was great as he was probably one of the most helpful contributors on both technical aspects of tabs as well as general vessel handling. I still review his posts to pick up ideas on how to better handle the boat but ultimately time on the water with your own vessel will reveal more than pouring over forum posts and YouTube videos.
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Taking it all in. I think everyone's experience is valid, but is likely situationally dependent (boat, load, sea state). Will continue to work with tabs a little and mostly motor trim to fine tune. Will report back any improvements I find to this forum. Thanks again to all for the thoughtful discourse.
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