Islander bow thruster


GreatGrady Captain
Oct 16, 2007
Reaction score
Cape May, NJ
Has anyone installed a bow thruster in a 268 or 270 Islander? Thinking about installing one in mine but wanted to see what others have done. Thanks
I had an estimate for my 282 Sailfish. It was 8K - still haven't pulled the trigger. Feedback from boats that have them they really help in wind and current.
While it might be possible, I believe the available space really is too small. Narrow beam means a narrow forefoot, so really cramped in there.

Plus, a good installation puts a large battery close to the thruster, to keep the electrical run short (longer recharging wires are OK). Limited space up there and the weight would affect handling.

We had a single for the first three years, and put 465 hrs on it before putting on the twins. With the twins I can easily rotate it 360* in its own length. With the single you need to work a bit more, be gentle, and learn to use springlines.

I will admit that I have been operating boats and driving ships since 1960.

JMHO, but save the money.
Biggest problem is the wind. Even in light wind the bow comes around when backing into slip. If the wind is off the finger pier someone always has to the grab bow or spring line and get up front to control the bow. Never has much success using the twins to rotate the boat.

Removed water heater from forward compartment. Appears wide and deep enough to accommodate the tube, motor and battery. Weight with battery not much different than a full water heater.

I don't want to be the first one to try it though - really would like to know if someone has done it and what they learned.

Frank K.
Never has much success using the twins to rotate the boat. Frank K.

I know a Frank K. from Cape May with an Islander 268. If that's you, come on down to FMB this winter and this old shipdriver will be happy to assist.

Did you also remove the shelf that the water heater was mounted on, to see the space below it? Vetus does have some models that will fit, and provide sufficient thrust. Some interesting info here:

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That's me Brian. I'll let you know what I'm doing.
I think on some of the GWs the spacing between the twins makes slow speed maneuvering difficult - especially in wind and with current. You can spin them pretty well but as you say if the bow starts to slide and in your entering a slip - tough to address. I didn't have a thruster on the 282 and at times I had the same problem. I learned to have someone get off quick and handle the bow. The 300 came with one and it really does make it easy. I handle the boat all the time alone, even in less than ideal weather. If you can make it fit, the next thing is cost. If you can/want to swing it, you won't regret it. It is another thing you have to maintain and keep in working order. Once you get to rely on it, your skills without it will be less than today. The 300 came with the side power. Overall it has been reliable, but I did have the main power controller (module on top) go bad. It was a bit of a scary situation as there was some smoke. I hit the emergency switch (make sure you get one) but was far off shore (not using it) when it happened. Was able to get the part and fix myself. Good luck with your decision.
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I installed a Lewmar 185TT 4.0 in my 1998 Marlin. Had the hole drilled by New England Bow Thruster, My friend is a fiberglass guy and Im a mechanic, I did all the wiring, installed the Battery right next to it and ran lighter cables back for charging. It fit great and worked like a charm. When you have a bow thruster its like cheating when ever you have to maneuver your boat. Best thing I ever did. Installing one in my 330 Express this winter.
I got a $5k and 7k estimate for the full install of a bow thruster in my Marlin 30. But I’m doing OK with just using the engines and some steering wheel. But in heavy current I can be very inapt pulling up to the Tiki Bar Dock.
Tiki Bar Dock.... I gotta get me one of those!
I'm going to move ahead with this project. I'll post progress. Quotes to have someone do the install were $7k to 8k range. I can do the whole project myself for under $3k. Grady is using Side-Power SE40 on the new 271 (7.3" tunnel 132 pounds of thrust). I will likely go with the SE30 (5" tunnel 88 pounds of thrust). Next step is to cut the shelf out and measure.

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Following this... very nice idea.
My 2 cents on bow thrusters. Ignore anyone who tells you you don't need one, you're being a sissy if you use it, etc etc etc... If you want one and it's a reasonable price, then do it!! I went from my Boston Whaler 28 Conquest (express style) without thruster to my Grady 330 Express with a thruster, and it made an absolute night & day difference in how much I enjoy my boat! I have a somewhat tricky dock to get into, but the plain truth is that even after 12 years of boating, I'm not that great at docking.

Some days I don't use the thruster at all, some days I use it like a complete noob. But the beauty is that I no longer have a ton of anxiety about docking, I"m not yelling at my wife or kids as we come in, etc... As a great fishing captain once reminded me: It's supposed to be fun!

I hugely regret not putting one on my whaler when I first got the boat. Would have made an enormous difference.
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I took my old Triton bay boat into a very narrow dock once. The current was cutting in more than one direction and I literally had to come in sideways. Not a huge issue, done it many times, then cut in sharp at the last second. We all miss the mark once in a while, but Packery has a dock that is narrow as hell. I dinged the side rail. Yes, that is what it is for, to protect the boat, but it was a good solid ding and I had to make a second run at it.

One of those "know-it-all's" onboard goes, ""You want me to do it for you?"

He was never allowed on my boat again... lol

Hell no I do not want you to do it, moron..

Anything that helps you pilot better, you do it. Anything that helps compensate for that force, to protect the boat.. go for it. Anyone that says you are not good enough if you need it, well, they are welcome to come on my boat so I can boot them off.. lol

Did not know you could add something like this to a Grady so.. if it is available to add, maybe I will look into it.. later.. lol

OK. Got the "shelf" out. Plenty of room to work with. Probably go with to the Vetus BOW4512 (5" tunnel 99 pounds of thrust). Could get a 7" tunnel in here but it doesn't leave much room underneath to do glass work.
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That is so cool. I could not do that...I do not do fiberglass work...despise as hell am not going to attempt fiberglass, but very cool concept and something I will be considering.

Keep the updates coming. Wish you were local, I’d come watch heh
I'm not a glass guy either. But I'm an awesome amateur sheetrock guy. Not really the same though. It a big leap of faith to cut two 5" holes in you boat! I have done some glass repairs on a friends salvage boat that folded a rudder over. It's been good for 10+ years now. This bow thruster is a pretty straightforward project.
Oh, I would not attempt it myself lol... I built a cabin house...middle of no-where, but it did not need to float lol.

Great concept, but I will leave this one to the pros;)

That being said, going on my long term list and will use your details as a reference;)
this is in the category of a generator and an AP for me. Nice to have and if they came with the boat, well then I'll take it. If I had the choice I'd keep the money in my wallet for boats 30 feet and under.
If I needed a spot generator, I'd use a small Honda generator that I could use elsewhere. Don't see the need for an AP ever on that size boat and couldn't fork over $7-9K for a thruster. I'd drop or rollup the curtains in and out and practice driving the boat.
Eh, don’t think it is lack of experience...we add a stand up head because we like the luxury of having it, does not mean we need to learn to pee off the side better lol.

To each their own, but I would not equate the desire to add modules that assist one in boating to the lack of ability.