Non Grady member, guilt?


GreatGrady Captain
Aug 19, 2008
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Dear Gang,
I am feeling quite guilty posting on this form. Recently I sold my Grady and non Grady and started a search for a replacement. Bottom line is that I recently did purchase a newer boat but not a Grady. So here I am asking if there is a rule that says that you have to own a Grady to remain active on this forum. There is no other forum that I have found with the breadth of experience and knowledge that I can get here and I would miss not being able to offer advice, ask for advice, or dispute whether that fin is a anti cavitation plate or an anti-ventilation plate:)

Warmest regards,
:eek: the audacity. and throwing shade on the anti-ventilation plate. :D

personally, i don't post in the "other" forum as a result of the membership; and i think anyone that is willing to lend time and knowledge here is in the right spot.

good luck with the new ride. ron
I am still on here every once in awhile and don't have a Grady anymore. Still like lurking and seeing what's going on. WE went to a Monk 36 trawler, it's really hard going 7-8 mph everywhere but really nice getting about 4 miles per gallon.

What did you end up getting?
...unless you tell us what you bought! :)
GG is not GG without a seasick! I vote to let you stay - after you provide photo evidence and details of what you bought. ;)
Thanks to all of you for your support. It means a lot.

I mentioned that I sea trialed a boat recently and I ended up buying it. It is shrink wrapped for the winter and I haven't driven it at all. I do climb in through the zipper window every now and then and study whatever I am not familiar with which is almost ever system on the boat other than bilge pumps and water pumps. In terms a style it is a big change brought on my my limitations as I get older and my wife mandate that if I got a new boat, it had to be one that neither of us had to 'walk the plank' to get forward to fuss with the windlass. I also needed something a bit easier to operate as well and got a boat with Digital Throttle and Shift as well as electric/hydraulic assisted steering.
So my search which ran more than a year and covered boats from 23 to 31 feet ended up concentrating on dual consoles.
I ended up selecting a 2020 Edgewater 262 CX, the dual console Crossover model. It wasn't a perfect match to my wish list but it had most of the key ones covered and had a few things that were not on my list but look exciting.
The boat has twin Yami f200XCA's with electric Optimus Steering, It also has the Seakeeper Ride product I mentioned in an earlier post. Most electronics are Garmin with a large to me 8616 MFD.
I am both excited and apprehensive. There is so much to learn.
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Congrats! My neighbor has the 24/25' model of the same vintage. They seem to be put together very well.
At some point I will give up on the idea of overnights, and go with a DC, but likely a cat. The stability, ride, and deep head compartment are appealing.
I've been a member here since 2006,, bought my first and only, so far, Grady in 2017. I was welcomed and developed friendships before I owned one. Parthery was the first person I spoke with years ago and he graciously answered my questions. Now I help Seafarer 228G moderate the page.

To be here, you just need to have a love for Grady-White, not necessarily own one at the moment. So, you'd better stick around.
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Two boats ago I had an EdgeWater 248CX. It was an excellent boat. For its size handled seas solidl. No creaks or rattles.
Only reason I sold it was it appreciated significantly.
Great choice :thumbs up:
Good luck with the new rig - Hope you hang around - You have shared a great deal of boating know how with us all!
seasick, the info and knowledge you have shared with this forum over the years has been invaluable! I look to more of the same going forward. May you find the new yacht as enjoyable as your Grady.
The Great Grady members are part of the hole in the water club whether they like it or not. It's a whirlpool no one can escape from. You are in it for the count. There will be no release from your duties here. The name tag on your particular piece of fiberglass does not give you license to abandon this ship. ;)
Your the man! Can't go anywhere. Even if your posts are not as frequent, your wisdom is always welcome.
Now tell us what you got now!!!
You guys are the best. I am not going to abandon ship. In addition I feel strongly that my future experiences with the new electronics and mechanicals will generate more questions for you folks to answer..

Perhaps some of you might be interested in the details of long search for a boat and how I ended up selecting the Edgewater .
It’s not like you went from being an Eagles fan to a Cowboys fan. We won’t hold it against you. Good luck with new ride!