1-screen name - g0tagrip
2-your first name - Al
3-year and model of your boat- 2007 Marlin
4-year and the power that you have on your boat- Twin 2007 Yamaha F250s
1- Greyduk
3-2000 226 Seafarer
4- 2000 Yamaha 200 ox66
Hey Guys, I'm trying to compile a list with your
1-screen name,
2-your first name,
3-year and model of your boat,
4-year and the power that you have on your boat

This list will come in handy when you have a question on your grady and need to get in touch with someone with a similiar model.
1987 Seafarer 226
1987 twin Johnson 140's :cool:
gradywhiteman, my first name is jim, i have a 1982 223 tournament and this spring i am putting a 1987 200 evinrude on it to replace my 225 johnson .
Bdsp1234, Brian, 2001 GW 226, 2001 Yamaha HPDI
Screen name: stephnic
First name: Bob
Boats name: stephnic
Model: 1998 268 Islander
Power: 1998 twin saltwater series 150’s
Location: Somers Point NJ
Hey Guys, I'm trying to compile a list with your
1-screen name,
2-your first name,
3-year and model of your boat,
4-year and the power that you have on your boat

This list will come in handy when you have a question on your grady and need to get in touch with someone with a similiar model.
1998 232G Gulfstream
2009 F250 TXRW
Hey Guys, I'm trying to compile a list with your
1-screen name,
2-your first name,
3-year and model of your boat,
4-year and the power that you have on your boat

This list will come in handy when you have a question on your grady and need to get in touch with someone with a similiar model.
2002 Advance 247
2017 Yamaha F300
Screen Name: bFransen
First Name: Ben
Boat Year: 2003
Model: 228
Power: 2017 Suzuki 250ap