Thanks for the response. I acquired the boat Aug. 2010 from a trusted friend that said he used the boat approx. 6 to 10 days per year for the past 8 years. After each usage it was lifted and stored inside at a Grady/Yamaha dealer location on Hilton Head Is. This same dealer serviced the boat since it was new. It was purchased first by an elderly retired man who unfortunately passed away during the second year. The dealership then purchased it back from the owners wife and use it as a demo to sell other Gradys. The boat is beautiful and has many extras including fresh water, power trim, good electronics, re-done cushions, brand new trailer and the hull is spotless and only painted one time and looks new. I will retire next year and I hoped that this boat will help me chase fish for many years. The boat is now in South New Jersey and I used it almost every weekend from April until Nov. It will be winterized and stored from Nov. to April.