Read this if you have at least 100 posts:)

Gary M said:
Perhaps some people ought to consider starting up their own web site with strict posting rules.......

I just tend to skip past threads that don't interest me. Sort of like a long buffet line...... I hand pick only those things that I enjoy. Simple!

winner! with ya!

I mean, these are open Internet Forums moderated by humans...your not going to please everyone. If someone does not appreciate your presence, make them appreciate your absense.

Greatgrady has been a place for solid reliable informative 411 on GW's and a great place in general. IMHO, GW owners all have one great thing in common. sound like the grumpy old man you probably are....why do you think you are owed anything? Who died and left you king?....If you don't like a TV program....DON'T WATCH.....If you don't like a certain song.....DON'T LISTEN....and if you don't like the posts on the BEST boating forum out there.....DON'T SIGN ON....IT'S THAT SIMPLE :bang
gradydriver said: sound like the grumpy old man you probably are....why do you think you are owed anything? Who died and left you king?....If you don't like a TV program....DON'T WATCH.....If you don't like a certain song.....DON'T LISTEN....and if you don't like the posts on the BEST boating forum out there.....DON'T SIGN ON....IT'S THAT SIMPLE :bang
Advice taken but haven't you really enjoyed a good TV show only to have it go down the tubes after a while?
That's the way I see the forum evolving. Hey, I am entitled to my opinion and if you don't like it, don't read my posts:) BTW, you were only supposed to read my post if you had at least 100 posts! ( OK that was probably uncalled for, sorry....)
The very fact that one of my recent posts was titled "color change", I assume entitles me to a comment on this thread even though I don't yet have "100 posts"... I joined this site after purchasing a Grady wit he sole intention of a full restoration. Having moved to US from South Africa, I did a vast amount of research before buying Grady given that we don't get Grady in SA. The passion of Grady owners on forums like this was the ultimate deciding factor. Having never restored a boat before (I'm an accountant by trade), the advice I received from members on this forum was invaluable in certain aspects.

If, after a full year of restoration, while reading all the fishing stories and reports on this forum, and looking to get some feedback on the job I have done from Grady experts, I inadvertently irritate you by asking what you think of the radical color change of my boat, I sincerely apologize.
Well, seasick, we probably all go through it for one reason or another. IMHO, This forum and every other forum is like a supermarket. Many, many choices. Choose what we like. Leave what we don't.

I also think that we change as we 'mature' in any setting. When we first arrive anywhere, there's a good amount of excitement or anticipation or whatever, primarily because it's new and mostly unknown to us. :D The perceived value, and the actual value is tremendous.

As we develop and mature in the setting, it becomes common and sometimes boring. The actual value is still there, but we don't see it as tremendous because we're used to it. The more we visit, the more commonplace it becomes. :|

But to a newcomer, it's still an amazing amount of knowlege and information in one place. And the important thing to remember is that what originally lit us up is still here. That didn't change, but we have.

It's not as exciting as it used to be, but I hope it doesn't go away. 8)
seasick said:
toolguy73 said:
It's not as exciting as it used to be, but I hope it doesn't go away. 8)

Well said...

Excellent synopsis!

I've only been here 6 months and have over 100 posts and was hoping that I wasn't contributing to the perceived loss of quality... :)
A lot of "forums" that I was interested in have diminished quite a lot in the last year or so. All being done on Facebook.
I have learned a lot about my boat here an appreciate any input.
I am one that believes there is no dumb question - if it is asked it must be important to someone. I have been boating for years and certainly know more now than I did 30 years ago. If I am happy toy share any of my learning experiences I have been on and have left other sights because of a lack of courtesy by some responders. Have never come across that on Great Grady- members are always civil and willing to share.
Old fart. :P Just kidding. I agree with what most folks have said. I browse and read what interests me and what I find useful in terms of how to make repairs, etc.... A read a lot of the older posts, some dating back a few years. Still a great site, but I see your point.
Seasick......I can't help myself....I am really tired of having to see and ignore this post for a while now. If I were a mod I would have deleted this post on day one on general principal. It is probably the least contributive post I have seen here. If you don't like what you see.....leave. Otherwise....get a life.
toolguy73 wrote:
It's not as exciting as it used to be, but I hope it doesn't go away.

Not to derail this thread, although that maybe a good idea - how many remember Jimmy ,
Wealth of advice always entertaining and exciting!!!. :D
reelserious said:
Seasick......I can't help myself....I am really tired of having to see and ignore this post for a while now. If I were a mod I would have deleted this post on day one on general principal. It is probably the least contributive post I have seen here. If you don't like what you see.....leave. Otherwise....get a life.
It's funny that you deem my criticism of some posts as the 'least contributive'. I posted what I have felt lately and I am entitled to my opinion.. You don't have to agree but it is impolite to tell me to get a life. Note that I may find your criticism not 'contributive' also. What makes you criticsim acceptable but not mine?
There is a difference bewteen posting comments about a specific type of post versus directing it to a specific person. I didn't do that.
For the record, if you want to request that a moderator delete what you think is an offensive post, that is your right to do so.
Certified old fart here and I enjoy all the "what wax you using?" posts. Recall getting on here a while ago and getting right off because of no activity. This is an owners forum and is open to any and all conversations. Sorry we disapoint you with our mindless, sometimes repetative inquiries. Quite frankly, I search or post a question to this or any other owners forum before I "look it up". Usually get the exact answer I'm looking for plus other posts with opinions or editiorials for my reading pleasure. Are you retired?
Tucker said:
Certified old fart here and I enjoy all the "what wax you using?" posts. Recall getting on here a while ago and getting right off because of no activity. This is an owners forum and is open to any and all conversations. Sorry we disapoint you with our mindless, sometimes repetative inquiries. Quite frankly, I search or post a question to this or any other owners forum before I "look it up". Usually get the exact answer I'm looking for plus other posts with opinions or editiorials for my reading pleasure. Are you retired?

Good guess.
By the way, I read all the 'what wax do you use' threads. I find those posts interesting since you get the experiences of other boaters. It's the "what should I name my boat" kind of posts that you rarely used to see on this site but see every day on other 'Truthful' sites.
I am sorry that some of the frequent contributors to thisforum members got so upset with my post.
Can we just move on:)
I didn't get upset, I thought it was kinda funny, there for "Why won't my engine run" solution.
Good guess.
By the way, I read all the 'what wax do you use' threads. I find those posts interesting since you get the experiences of other boaters. It's the "what should I name my boat" kind of posts that you rarely used to see on this site but see every day on other 'Truthful' sites.
I am sorry that some of the frequent contributors to thisforum members got so upset with my post.
Can we just move on:)[/quote]

Amen.......and safe boating.
I knew it! And, no we're letting you off that easy seasick. I'm about 3-5 years from retirement and I know a lot of guys that are retired. They're all becoming techno nerds!! Wake up in the morning and move to their comand center with 2-monitors, usually the big jobs so they don't need their glasses, check their investments, emails, and poke their noses in on all their favorite forums. Away from the house, their always eyeballin' their iphones.

Ok, where's the geezer button...
Tucker said:
I knew it! And, no we're letting you off that easy seasick. I'm about 3-5 years from retirement and I know a lot of guys that are retired. They're all becoming techno nerds!! Wake up in the morning and move to their comand center with 2-monitors, usually the big jobs so they don't need their glasses, check their investments, emails, and poke their noses in on all their favorite forums. Away from the house, their always eyeballin' their iphones.

Ok, where's the geezer button...

Well I don't exactly fit that model. I am a retired electrical engineer and did work on techie things for many years. I am not and have never been a techno nerd in my personal life. I still use a dumb flip phone! I don't text very often (or at all) and I am not on Facebook. OK I have an IPad and I do check several boards and the market regularly.
Yes, I am becoming ( actually the evolution has already taken place) a geezer. I don't think you can avoid certain inevitable changes in life.