sailfish 252 fuel burn twin 225 ficht 2000's

Crazy how this thread has a life of its own.

I find if funny how Jimmy takes liberty at disseminating information that he has limited information on or no direct experience with (true mark of a professional i guess). I have been on Brian's boat and have fished it. Brian claims there is a slight knock in the one motor but I am not sure there is. The engines ran perfect every time I had been on the boat. One sounds slightly different than the other at idle until it warms up. However with my experience of owning and running twin engine boats I know that both engines rarely sound exactly the same at idle especially when cold. Once warmed up there was nothing noticed at all by me. Brian even took his boat to Tri-State Marine in Maryland, who is a VERY reputable dealer, to have them go over the engines and fully service them before the last time I fished with him. They told him not to worry about it and RUN the motor. They could have easily talked him into work on the motor at that time but being a good dealer told him just to run the motor. Since Brian has claimed to hear a slight "knock" at idle he has also learned that these motors drop 2 cylinders at idle by design. I am not sure that what he is hearing is a result of that. Though I am not a repair man, my thoughts are that Brian is just an over-sensitive boat owner and maintenance freak who wants the world to be absolutely perfect (sorry Brian, you are ANAL). With the way the motors have performed while I have been on the boat I am not sure there is anything wrong at all. With that said, I probably have been one to influence him not to put it in the ad and discuss it with someone who is interested in the boat. After that, It would be up to the buyer to go over the boat with a surveyor or mechanic and make a more educated judgment on the motors (as any buyer should)... To sit behind a computer without knowing someone or the boat is nothing more than keyboard diagnosing without all the information.

Again, I have been on this boat and the motors performed flawlessly eveytime I had been on the boat. The last trip, in the middle of Nov, we ran from Solomons Island MD to the Chesapeake Bay, trolled all day, and steamed home. They ran smoothly and didnt even sneeze despite being hours at near dead idle. I wish my OptiMax was as quiet and smooth as these motors.

I believe Jimmy to be sore that some, including myself, disagree with his points made and he feels compelled to win everyone over at all costs regardless of what it takes..
Re: the truth.....

jimmy's marine service said:
i had a gentleman from north carolina call me today,regarding this very site...he asked me for some info regarding wiring a seperate and dedicated battery system in his rig...this very gentleman thanked for the information i post-that's the whole idea here,it's called helping some one out...
i only give information on what my experience,as well as my knowledge allows,i do this stuff everyday,trust me when i state something,'cause it's true !!!

now,original post,i stated ...


forgive me if i'm wrong....but....isn't that much power on those boats against the rating on the hull from gw ??? in other words,these boats are overpowered ??? that's not good,how do you get the boat insured ??? did you know,if you're involved in a boating accident,and the boat you own,the max hp has been exceeded,you've got some explaining to do...personally,i would avoid that rig with the fichts,the engines are a bad subject,the fact it's over powered is worse....keep looking,you're gonna find a better deal...
jimmy's marine service llc

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that's exactly what i stated...i was unaware of what brian's boat was powered with,i knew he had yamaha engines,brian sent me a pm,regarding his engines,and a problem with one of them-all previously stated,right ???
now,what we have is something that snowballed into whatever,i've been called a liar,a know it all big mouth,and i can't be wrong...well,truth of the matter is,the boat is overpowered,"capt bill"knew it,that's why brian had to sign a disclosure-read his prior posts,if there was no problem,then why did brian have to sign a disclosure ??? interesting huh ??
now,i called grady white,i got the answer i knew i would get...i posted that answer,i stated if anyone doubted me,call grady,again,how many of you guys did ??? no answer yet,why is that ??? all you guys who've trashed me,but yet,no one has posted the results of a contact with grady regarding the overpowering of one of their boats,WHY???
"got a call this morning,after filling out a quote request yesterday,the coverage was declined,due tothe fact the boat has been overpowered"...that's what i stated,go back reread it,that was boat us...i posted their number as well...filled out qa quote request on line,that's NOT what i stated,did it over the phone...get it right...ok ?? i can only tell someone this,i've NEVER SEEN A BOAT MFG,STATE,IN WRITING OR OTHERWISE,IT"S OK WITH THEM TO USE MORE HORSEPOWER THAN THEIR MAXIMUM RECCOMENDED HP...WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS ??? you guys can claim anything you want,it means absolutley nothing,i know the correct answer to this question,so does "capt bill",that' why he had brian sign a disclosure,to cover his azzz...wonder why ???

side note....gonna get a few more guys mad at me,but hey,what the hell...

got a "pm" from brian,gw204,regarding my mention of a problem with his engines,he asked me this...

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From: gw204
To: jimmy's marine service
Posted: Jan Wed 02, 2008 9:41 pm
Subject: Overpowering...
Hey Jimmy, I know you're not busting my balls.

I was hoping you would take that mention of a knock out of your post though. I'm not trying to hide that fact but I'm not advertising it either.

How was your holiday?


St. Leonard, MD
1993 Grady White Sailfish 252G - For Sale
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this was my reply....

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From: jimmy's marine service
To: gw204
Posted: Jan Mon 07, 2008 2:15 pm
Subject: Re: Overpowering...
sorry brian,i mean absolutley no offense,but i will not reword what i m y opinion,if you're not disclosing the fact one of the engines on the boat has a problem,you're lying and you're trying to cheat someone-that's terrible !!! i believe in complete honesty,clearly,you don't...shame on you !!! this is called "a round world" that i mean,you're selling a rig with a bad crank shaft,when you purchase a pursuit,would you want the owner to not disclose a problem ??? get it ???
that's a sleazy move,i thought you were a decent guy...guess i was wrong...

jimmy's marine service llc

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now...if that makes me a bad guy,then so be it...but ask yourself this question....if you were gonna buy a boat,and the person who was selling it knew there was a serious problem,and didn't state it,would you be mad ???

now...again,i honestly didn't know brian's rig was powered with twin 225's,i really didn't...reread my original post....

and again,if anyomne doubts me,call the same numbers i did,and please by all means,post your results....

that's what i posted...right ???
go back,reread exactly how bad a few of you guys began beating up on what it was turned into...i posted that information,wanna know why ??? brian asked me to remove it from my post,i wouldn't do it,read what i stated...if you can't respect that,then you've got a problem...
this was never a dig against brian or his boat,by looking at the pictures,it appears to be clean,and well kept,however,the fact remains,the boat is overpowered,the person who chose those engines knows it,hence the reason,he had brian sign a disclosure,and brian knows it as well...will the boat handle the extra power,i'm sure it will...however,the fact remains,it's been powered with more hp than the mfg reccomends...i called and filled out a quote request with the insurance companies listed-i posted the answers i got,i spoke with grady customer service,i posted the answer i got,as well... with all the beating up on me,i've yet to see ANYONE post something from a boat mfg stating that it's ok to exceed theri power reccomendations-THAT'S A FACT... a few of you guys,i'm sure you believe you know way more than me,right...well...what happened ?? where's the documentation ???
this thread went down a bad road,it started out by me asking a question,a legitimate question...i'm certainly not "sore" as "b-faithful" put it,i don't need to be right all the time,when i'm right about something,i will go out of my way to prove the point...
it is absolutley none of my buisness...but...i would NEVER post something for sale WITHOUT a full statement of the condition,and the fact it has a problem in either the engines or the hull,read some of the ads i've placed...but that's me...not telling is the same as lying...and if any of you guys have a problem with someone telling the truth,then i suggest you ask yourselves this question,"would i want someone to tell me" ???
clearly,i will argue my point to the end,i believe that shows something about me as well as my buisness what "finest kind",len,had to say about me,"cool up grade" is the thread,he hits the nail on the head about me...again,this was not a personal thing against anyone...go back,reread the entire thread,i had a few of you guys attempt to beat up on me....
O.K. guys shake hands, have a cold one, and lets let this one die.

You are all very knowledgeable and have made your points, obviously
we are @ a stalemate and only souring the wine with countinued fuss.

So lets get back to handing out good tips and tricks for our boats!!!! :D

Jimmy you are very good and well versed at your trade from what i can see here.

And Brian (gw204) as well as CaptBill that Sailfish looks like it has been Very Very well cared
for and i seriously doubt that if there was a major problem
(or if there is even anything wrong at all) with that Motor
you would pass it off unmentioned. I have no doubts that if
your mechanic said it wasnt gonna make it you would
probably take care of it. I know what is like to be "anal" about things
like B-faithful mentioned.
If you analyze things like i do, i'm sure that you notice
things that no one else does and they would probably pass it off.
Probably because its nothing, but , .... anal... ya i know i would
have asked about 50 people to listen to it, still not be satifyed,
so then bring it to the best mechanic i know just for him to tell
me it is nothing to worry about. SOUND ABOUT RIGHT?

I may be off but by looking at thow you take care of things and at some of
the projects you have shared, you go right to the root of it.
You are painfully thorough but its painful to not be,right?
dont know ya, but thats just my impression.

But Ya, My wife calls "it being way too anal" :lol:

SO lets salute, listen to taps as we lower this thread under!!

you guys need to re-focus and get ready to give me free advice for
my stuff!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
Brian, I was wondering if we were gonna here from you, glad we did. The way I see it is like this, serious boating attracts passionate people. Passion manifests itself in many ways be it "anal" "opinionated" or otherwise. It's the passionate people that bring life to the party. Thank God there are differences of opinion. How friggin' boring would it be if everybody felt the same about everything. The thing that I always felt that made this site different was the sense of commraderie among it's contributors. Let's not lose site of the fact that we all ultimately have the same objective and that is to get the most from our time on the water.
Anal??? Who me??? It's not like I removed my deck plates, filled in all the holes and redrilled because they were slightly cocked to one side and a line drawn through the center (via 2 of the 6 mounting holes) wasn't perfectly parallel or perpendicular to an edge of the part they were installed in. OK....maybe I am a bit anal. :D
:lol: ya Brian, that's what I thought! :D :lol: :D :lol:

nice job, it is a gorgeous boat!