I just picked up my third GW since 1980 and am plenty satisfied with one problem being the canvas option on my new 283. The following is a "tounge in cheek" note I sent to my dealer this morning.
"The boat ran great, with full fuel and water, three people and some gear I was able to trim to 2 mpg at just under 35 mph in choppy seas. This is right in line with or a little better than the performance figures that GW has on their web site.
Everything about the boat met or exceeded my expectations as I knew they would after owning two other GW boats over the past 30 years. One big disappointment was the canvas option. I can put up and take down the canvas on my 246 in about 5 minutes but after struggling for 45 minutes, I gave up on the new boat. I wish you would pass on to GW that they need to execute the engineer that designed the canvas on the 283, especially the center piece between the windshield and the hard top. I cannot see any way to install this without a knife or sledge hammer. I will wait until the 20 hour checkup and let you show me how to do it. I would be so simple to make this one piece into two with a zipper but the simplicity was overlooked in favor of using sadistic torture techniques on unsuspecting boat owners. They need to look how this same piece is made on the 246."
Other than the canvas, the only thing I want is to live long enough to get my forth Grady. Since I usually keep them for 15 years +/-, and I'm 65 now, I doubt that I will ever own 11 of them. I do currently own two, as I have not yet sold my 246.