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  • Awesome, I just got the templates myself for a few different models. Was concerned the border might make it to wide for the 1242, the 1243 touch saved an inch or soo... My nephew runs the 1242 on his CC, what a GREAT MFD, your gonna really like it...A buddy is gonna help me with the install, doing a carbon fiber plate over helm, and mathing new plates for the instruments and switches...
    My buddy installed the new 200 Mercs on his Pursuit 2870, performance was excellent and fuel burn was super economical, the boat topped out at 48 MPH....The Suzuki warranty is so hard to beat though....
    Thanks, when I spoke to GW Customer Support, they rold me they did that up grade starting in 02.... I also need to upgrade electronics. Trying ti figure out what 2 MFD's I can flush mount into the dash box, Looking to do Garmin. Hoping to fit in 1242 or 1243 machines...
    I'm in the process of doing dash with one 1242 and suzuki gauges. required some trimming of fiberglass.
    there is room for two
    Hi, I recently bought a 02 265 with 200 HPDI, I see that you have repowered with the Suzki 200... I was planning on going to the 250 Suzki. The boat is heavy andf with full fuel you add on lbs quick, how does your boat perform with the 200's ? Are you happy with it ? Thanks John
    Very happy and I came from 225 ox66s.
    All the info is in the thread 265 Express/Suzuki DF200APXW2
    250s might be a weight issue on 2000-2002. They raised scuppers and flattened the deadrise in 2003 to accomodate 4 stroke Yammies.
    check out new Merc 4 stroke V6 225 or 250. lighter than the 4 cyl 200 zukes/yammies.
    SkunkBoat - GT51M-TH mounting question. My Grady White hull has two mounting pads, one on each side, for transducers. The B744 looks like they cut 1” off the fairing block to shim the transducer up a little and use another piece inside. Do you think this is necessary?
    I had my b744 on that transducer pad (2001 282) without a fairing block and it performed very well up to 30ish mph. I currently have a b765, it's the same as the b744 but with chirp, and again no fairing block on the transducer pad.
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