Search results

  1. O

    New Power on my 96 Islander

    We bought our 270 Islander new in March 2002 with a single 250HP OX66. Cruise speed and fuel consumption was just as you noted. Caught the offshore fishing bug and even with the larger 150-gal tank we didn't have the range to head offshore of Virginia Beach for pelagics. It was Sep-Oct 2005...
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    Size anchor vs dock lines

    Windlass will dictate size of chain and rode. Almost certainly 1/4" chain and 1/2" rode. Make sure you get the correct chain for the windlass, not the crap from Lowe's or Grainger.. Our main rode was a 22# Delta Fastset with 30-ft of chain and 600-ft of 1/2" 8-plait rode. Secondary anchor...
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    Golight any good?

    Better with a good handheld. Should only be used very briefly to identify nearby unlighted objects. If you mount that beast on the hardtop, you will get terrible glare back from the forward railings and the foredeck. Of course, you could shitcan your anchor and mount it out on the pulpit...
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    Adding acr an 3rd battery bank

    Ah, well on our Islander 270 all the batteries, switches, and feeder breakers (house, windlass, inverter) were easily accessed under the aft seat in the cockpit. No bins.... so no need for additional cost for additional switches, cables, etc.
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    Adding acr an 3rd battery bank

    Sorry, Skunk, but that is far too complicated. Bottom left switch not needed. Bottom right on-off switch goes in house lead to the 40a fuse. Both top switches have an OFF position, if isolation needed.
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    An update

    The light at the end of the tunnel may not be an oncoming train...
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    Windlass on a Voyager

    We had the slightly larger Islander, but not much difference in the bow area. I originally installed a windlass at the aft end of the pulpit, and it was satisfactory at best. Problem was that it wasn't far enough aft and was not over the deepest section of the locker. Rather than type it all...
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    Auto pilots

    Ah, you have seen the light. I have been saying for years that an A/P should be high on the list of upgrades. When we purchased our 2002 Islander 270 new in March 2002, we immediately expanded our fishing in the lower Chesapeake Bay. That included trolling for striped bass that first winter...
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    Yamaha Helm Master

    Get the boat with a bow thruster. Then learn how to handle it without, BEFORE you start using the thruster. Then you will have some skills to fall back on if/when the thruster trips its circuit breaker or otherwise is unavailable. The HM, and similar systems, are nice uses of technology. But...
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    Is 300hp enough on a Freedom 255?

    We bought our Islander 270 new in March 2002 with a single 250 OX66. Much bigger boat and rated for 500hp. Performance just adequate and repowered to twin F150s in Oct 2005, mainly for improved fuel range to fish offshore. Considered a larger single, but 300 HPDI only option at the time. If...
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    330 Grady Express Transom

    Bet a case of beer not OEM. Agree with a marine survey, but I'd send the photos to GW Customer Service for comment. The sloppiness of the caulking job itself would send me walking, and not waste my time and money on any further evaluation. When you look at a boat and say it will 'clean up'...
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    '95 268 Islander

    Sure, without engines. Add: - engines - 2-stroke oil if applicable - oil in the sumps if 4-stroke - hardtop - fuel - water - anchor, chain & rode - mooring lines - fenders - safety equipment - electronics - fishing gear, etc and it will crush your 6000# trailer.
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    Actual weight of 300 marlin

    This is from the GW site, with Yamaha 300s, and gets you in the ball park. I doubt that it is fully loaded with fuel, but it does have persons, and they wouldn't be on the trailer. So, add the weight of the trailer and see what you think.
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    Realistic hull draft

    Deepest part of Islander is NOT the stern. It’s the deep section of the keel, about under the aft section of the cabin sole. About six inches deeper than the transom. That’s with twin F150s, so bigger engines might make some difference, but having an auxiliary fuel tank, as Russ does, brings...
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    Okay, check this out.. had an idea...

    The small hatch lets you access the connections, which will be needed on occasion. Also creates a "glovebox" for wallets, keys, sunglasses, etc.
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    Removing Deck Panel

    Learned this years ago. Used in on the cockpit hatch and the bridge hatch.
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    Bimini Top Options for 268 Islander

    Not going to happen, shipmate. Current enclosure zips to bimini, whereas the enclosure for a HT slides into channels on the HT frame. I assume the HT fabricator is putting those in place, for future use.. Size of sections will be different.
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    Plans for the weekend - what would you do?

    Andy at SIM is great to work with. Family business. I used to buy RingFree by the case. And LOTS of other stuff as well.
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    Plans for the weekend - what would you do?

    Head uses sea water to flush. Supply seacock likely under the steps going down into the cabin. Do you have one or two pie plate inspection ports on the forward face of the steps? Head discharges to the 10-gal holding tank, located under the forward part of the bridge deck, under that large...
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    Bimini Top Options for 268 Islander

    We bought our 2002 Islander 270 new, and it had the "Vista" top. I just looked at old photos, and that is definitely the original SS frame. Not sure if that is the original fabric or not. If there was an enclosure, you will have zippers all around the inside of the top, as the enclosure fully...