F-26 Tiger cat

That had to be a great boat to get. I would think it was probably assembled just so. I bet you were sorry to get rid of it. I sail beach cats and I find a lot of resistance to multihulls in general. They are relatively new or out of the mainsream anyway and they are different both in looks, performance, and handling. Many don't want to understand them. I just have fun blowing by those sailors. If I were in the market for a new power boat I would be trying out some cats. There are some Glacier Bays here locally and would love to get a ride.

We bought a Tigercat about 3 years ago and have enjoyed it. It is a very well made boat typical of Grady White. I have also heard all kinds of reasons that Grady stopped making them. Has anyone from the company responded to this question? Does anyone know if any changes were made from the 97 model to the 2000 model?
Re: tigercat

shunter said:
Does anyone know if any changes were made from the 97 model to the 2000 model?

Shunter: First, welcome to the forum. I have never even ridden on a Tigercat so take my response with that in mind. I recall that in 1999, the same year that Grady offered the cat in a center console, they also made some changes to the cat hull. I heard at the time that the change was to address slow speed handling issues, i.e. hard to hold a straight line at idle speed. But, as I said, I've not been in one. Now if my dry-stack marina would allow cats, then I would give one a try. I really like the layout.

Thanks for answering the hull change question Rob. I was curious how the hulls have changed over the years built 1997-2000. The Tigercat handling as I expected is different from monohulls that I have been on or operated. On plane in good weather, it runs amazingly well. The first time we went through Pensacola Pass the waves were confused and it was a scary ride. Since then we have experimented with trim and speed and the ride is much smoother. We have been all up inside the boat to put in a marine toilet and do some minor repairs and I can say that the boat is solidly built.

just a little history from my point of view:

I worked a GW for over 6 years, and shortly after I started working there, I asked why the cats were no longer made. I was told by engineering that the cats were really kinda ahead of the times....and they did change the hull, widened it out, the modified hull that they used to test before molds were changed is in the storage building out back.....one of the designers that worked on the cats moved on to become the VP of engineering at Worldcat, Gary Howell. And by the way, Eddie Smith is the CEO of GW, Wylie Corbett was the President of the company. When he retired, Kris Carroll became president.
Burt at the factory told me 5 years ago that the tigercat was the best riding hull Grady ever made.He went on to say that it is not much of a family boat ie cabin but more of an offshore fishing boat and thats why they stopped production. They still have one as a company fishing boat. My 98 tigercat except for 200 fourstokes is the same as a 2000 Tigercat
1998 tigercat

Mine is for sale, 1998 with twin 200hp, asking 24,999, very negoatable.
1998 tigercat

Mine is for sale, 1998 with twin 200hp, asking 24,999, very negoatable.
Tigercat for sale

Just curious why you are selling it. How long have you had the cat?
1998 tigercat for sale reduced to 19,999

the boat is to big for what i do,flats fishing. I now have a 20' grady cc. Price is reduced to $19,999
I'm hoping you folks are still in the mood to talk about your boat?

I'm interested in the Tigercat. I've not been on one yet, but have seen lots of photos, like the layout and have read articles and forums that haven't scared me off. I'm currently driving my third monohull and want the cat ride.

What I'm looking for here is the fuel economy numbers. Some of you have written of 200hp 2 strokes and 4 strokes, and someone repowered with 150hp 4 strokes. I'm hoping to hear your cruise and if possible, your trolling numbers off the flow meters. Some times its a long haul to the hot spots here off San Diego. Just need to know we can get back. Thanks.
Hello. My wife and I have owned our 1997 Tigercat for 4 years now and love her. Over the past 3 years I have recorded for each trip how far we went and the amount of fuel we burned for each trip. Over the 3 years the fuel burn total has been 1.5mpg just about each trip. My boat has 2007 200 hpdi motors and I generally run at about 25-30mph around 3500-4100rpm's. Trolling here on the Chesapeake we only go around 2-3 mph which is still about 2-2.5 mpg. Total gallons per hour at cruise is between 17-20. From what I have seen the total fuel burn is about the same from 25-35mph you burn more at the higher speed but it still comes out to 1.5mpg in the end. Love the boat despite what a lot of people say about them. You just have to get used to the way a catamaran boat drives. My dad has a new 26 foot Hydra Sport walkaround and it is faster than mine but in rough water I will beat him back in. My only complaint with the boat is in choppy water at a slow troll it will pound between the hulls sometimes. I just try and change course to stop it. Any other questions just ask.
We have a 97 tigercat. We get about one mile per gallon with 2 stroke engines that are Mercury 150s. We calculated about 28 knots off Pensacola. The most important thing for our cat is to steer into a roll, so the opposite of a monolhull. We do best in 3 ft seas or less otherwise it takes quite a bit of maneuvering. I think a lot of the problem that people complain about is due to lack of experience with this boat. It took me a while to figure it out.
Hunter what do you mean buy steer into the roll?? Are you referring to a wake from another boat? If regular roller type waves you would be almost tacking like a sail boat. Seems like a PIA what happens if you don't?
What I have found is that if the boat rolls to the right it is best to steer to the right and vice versa. I'm curious what PIA means?
Thanks to the posters so far. Any TigerCat owners out there with fuel numbers on 4 strokes? Or anyone with the GW F26 standard, 200hp yamahas? If so, I'd sure like to hear from you. Thanks all.
Until we got used to the boat it kind of was a PIA. But, I admit I have enjoyed the learning experience. Good luck to you wannabetiger.
Reel Soon beautiful boat and thresher. I would like to hear how you handle the cat in rough water. I posted before some experiences that I have had with my Grady cat but it looks like you have had your cat longer and are more knowledgeable than I am with handling. When one of the sponsons is going into a trough, how do you handle her? How does she ride through confused waters? I think that this is a wonderful well made boat that is highly misunderstood and I am glad to see discussion on this board. Maybe we can address some of the negatives and show the Tigercat for her better attributes.