F-26 Tiger cat

Grady White has made dozens of boat models over the years but only one CAT hull and has discontinued it. What am I missing here?
They started with the walk around cabin, and it was too heavy in the front, causing erratic movement when a hull dug in, especially when loaded with gear. They tried to correct it with trim tabs, and were, and may still be, the only cat with factory installed trim tabs. The center console was a better ride, but too late to overcome the bad press, and their official reason for scraping it was that they needed the production room for better selling models.
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I don't know how it is elsewhere around the country but out here in the PNW, catamaran boats are a rarity that you hardly, if ever see. I've never seen a Grady White 26' Tigercat before and usually catamaran styles of boats aren't usually seen until they're considerably bigger in size like a 30'+ boat. Not sure if it's different throughout the rest of the country, as the waters here in the Puget Sound are a bit calmer compared to being out on the open ocean. That being said, I rarely ever see any of the GW Tigercat's for sale online. I wonder even if Grady didn't have the issues with them that they did, if they would've scrapped them at some point later on anyways because of a lack of sales.
Nice boats. Would be cool to see that make a comeback some day. Never will happen though.