F-26 Tiger cat

Ok, now that's hard to believe. Regarding the 2-strokes; it looks like with the 200's you're getting 1.2 MPG and the 150's are only getting 1 MPG. How come??
You have got to find the "sweet spot" for improving fuel efficiency. I had my boat out sunday and GPS was reading 35 knots top speed, but more comfortable at 29 knots, different engines, different boats, also depends on how much fuel you carry. I always trim the engines up a little. I have trim tabs but I barely ever use them, usually trim with engines. Quarter waves when running offshore for a more comfortable ride. You will not even be bothered by other boats wakes, smooth. Drifting sideways in chop sucks because of the cat design, but this sucks even in a monohull. If a sponson starts to dig in adjust the steering slightly to correct or even it out. It's a cat. :idea:
The Tiger cat, World Cat, Glacier Bay it does not matter...NO MONO HULL of similar length can run with a cat when you are going straight into the teeth of big waves or chop...if you have ever driven a cat in the ocean you would know this...Now in a following sea that's when things get interesting...you need to watch out for a big wave picking you up and jamming you into the back of the wave you are following...If you are used to how a mono hull turns and reacts in big stuff a cat will take a little time to get used to...it is not for the inexperienced...I'm talking offshore...in the back bay it won't be an issue...I just took a World Cat 330 offshore last Saturday on a seatrial...it was big 6' to 8' ...you have to wait for a lull to turn around...BUT there was no pounding, the faster we went the softer it got to a certain point...I know no mono hull could perform like that...I have talked to a cat captain that has experienced what is called a "J-Hook" when one pontoon catches and you get spun around violently...it does happen but conditions and the direction you are heading are major factors...Cat captains out there...you know the cats have certain qualities that are better then mono hulls and vice-versa...BUT you really need to ride them in the ocean not just stand on them on dry land to see if they are for you.
Tucker said:
Ok, now that's hard to believe. Regarding the 2-strokes; it looks like with the 200's you're getting 1.2 MPG and the 150's are only getting 1 MPG. How come??

I had my boat out yesterday and at 30 Knots I was burning roughly 24 GPH.
30 Knots= 34.53 MPH
My speedometer was reading 35 MPH but according to GPS SOG was 30 Knots.
34.53/24= 1.438 MPG
That's a huge help Reel. At 30 knots is that the sweet spot for economy and speed? Looking at a '98 with 200's Saturday, let you guys know how I make out. Also Reel, the sunset in the wake of the TC is definately pretty; but the pic of shark sig is the bomb. Definately the coolest sig on the forum. Bet he was tasty too!
Tucker, you should be able to work out a deal with the seller since there is so much misinformation out there. Good luck. Post a photo after you buy her.
Tucker said:
That's a huge help Reel. At 30 knots is that the sweet spot for economy and speed? Looking at a '98 with 200's Saturday, let you guys know how I make out. Also Reel, the sunset in the wake of the TC is definately pretty; but the pic of shark sig is the bomb. Definately the coolest sig on the forum. Bet he was tasty too!
29-30 knots is a comfortable speed for me. I'm not sure if it is the most efficient speed, but I find that this is the way I tend to run her. '98 with 200's, my kind of boat, good luck! Thresher was delicious!
Ok, the wife wants to look at the boat; 4-1/2 drive and all the antique shops on the way, this ought to be good. Just made appointment with Yamaha dealer to survey engines. Little concerned, the owner says motors will only tack up to 5100 RPM. They're rated at 5000-5500 so they're just within spec. You 2-stroke guys getting make RPM on your cats?
Tucker I ran my 98 200s for three years with a slight metallic noise. When it went the rod cracked the block and ruined the crank.Center cylinder ran lean. The four strokes are awesome. .2 better fuel economy. Good luck.
Raisin .2 MPG better fuel burn better than the 2-strokes, Hmmmm, I can buy a lot of gas & oil for what those thumpers cost. And, I don't know how these 200's perform compared to the 200-hp 4-strokes; but my 150hp OX66 was faster than my neighbor's 150hp 4-stroke. If one of mime blows up, chances are I'll just put on a new powerhead. To me it makes more econmic sense.
Tucker Yeah I understand If I didn't take this boat 147nm offshore I wouldn't have spent the cash either.Luck was with us when the powerhead blew we were only 40 miles out. If I can help with anything let me know.
Delivery delayed until Sunday. All carb work done sea trial results:
3000 rpm=14.2 kts
3500 rpm=18.3 kts
4000 rpm=21.1 kts
4500 rpm=25.2 kts
5000 rpm=27.8 kts
5400 rpm=30.0 kts

Speed confirmed with GPS. Max RPM's look good but not too impressed with the speed. It's a far cry from Reel Soon's 30kts @ 4200 rpm. But, the port prop is in bad shape with some metal missing from an edge; stbd prop looks OK but still having it checked. Do these stainless props loose much pitch over time? PO reports never having any prop work done or even having them checked. Bottom is painted but in bad shape. Even with a bad prob and bad bottom that's till a huge difference in Reel Soon's performance; I have the exact boat. Thoughts Gents??
Tucker did you get my reply about the fuel tank cap/vent collars that go under the assembly to prevent water from getting into the tanks on tiger cats? If not I have the Perko Part#s bad design on hull... In the April 1997 issue of Boating test results with yamaha 150s were as follows 2500 12.4 kts 3000 17.3 kts 3500 23.5 kts 4000 25.7kts 4500 30.8kts 5000 33.4 kts 5300 36.3 kts 3 people 3/4 full of gas nothing else. The boat is heavy. Check you steering alignment [Tie bar valve] and also see if there is any air in the system as the motors won't run true if there's a problem with either. I only luck I had was by following Sea Stars bleeding instructions exactly for the Tie bar system. Other than that It's bottom paint and your props. I found 4 blades help prevent the side to side motion these boats like to do Difference of night and day, best thing I did for the boats ride and handling.I like the Power Tech props.
Rasin I did see your post about the Perko piece, can you repeat the part number so I can see how to install it? First boat with twins, is there a standard used to align the motors other than eye balling? Tick marks to align, etc? What is the procedure to check for alignment? Do I need to check the Sea Star web site? I agree the speed numbers stink and I need to get the boat up here. Transporter went in to pick up the boat Friday and said the brakes don't work. Getting the marina to check that out Monday. These long distance purchases are a real drag. They got you by the balls...
tucker perko accessory mounting ring cat. no. 0540dprblk prevents alot of problems. You can call them in miami and they will ship. Remove cap/ vent assembley seal and slip these under. Turn wheel hard over and look at rams they should be the same distance. Or with motors facing foward move one motor back and forth there should be no more than 1/2" play. World cats site explains as well, Contact sea star for a bleeding instruction sheet. Or I could fax you one. Run boat bow high like your on 2 water skis, using motor trim, then add a small amount of trim tabfor speed. Hand in there you will love it.
Hook up hydraulic oil at vent cap using tube that comes with it, pull out cotter pin in t bar located inside and below starboard access door and turn t bar to open the line, turn wheel to align the engines by sight not difficult, if you have air in the lines you can bleed it out at engines by turning vents to open 2 per engine their pretty obvious. This is a fairly easy procedure and don't worry about them being perfect. One of the best things about this boat is that the engines are far apart, it is so easy to dock, it pretty much O degree turns, best thing next to bow thrusters. Good Luck. :)
Thanks Guys,
Brake line being fixed now. PO also bypassed parking brake solenoid on the trailer. Having that fixed today should have boat before the weekend. Cold as heck here and don't planning on doing much until this Lake Effects trickle down is over. Just talked to a buddy taking the inercoastal down to Fl, said it was 32 in St Augustine Sun night.

Little concerned about he speed. I'm way below spec based on raisin's spec for the 150's. The boat didn't seem to pull either way when seatrialing, so assuming engine aligment is correct, what else could be causing the boat to loose so much speed. Engines are turning RPM's within spec (5400). My experience with props has been a reduced RPM's usually indicated props where out of spec. Yea, the bottom is in bad shape but we still have a huge difference. Thoughts??
raisinkane said:
tucker perko accessory mounting ring cat. no. 0540dprblk prevents alot of problems. You can call them in miami and they will ship. Remove cap/ vent assembley seal and slip these under. Turn wheel hard over and look at rams they should be the same distance. Or with motors facing foward move one motor back and forth there should be no more than 1/2" play. World cats site explains as well, Contact sea star for a bleeding instruction sheet. Or I could fax you one. Run boat bow high like your on 2 water skis, using motor trim, then add a small amount of trim tabfor speed. Hand in there you will love it.

Unfreakin' believable raisin, West Marine and 2-other dealers don't stock the mounting ring. Calling Perko now. Can't tell you how many people I know get water in their tanks with these flush fills mounted on the gunnels. Great idea from Perko sucks that know one has them.

Yea, I read on the World Cat forum about trimming the motors. They say raise them until they cavitate then drop them a little bit. Get's the bow up so the air can get into the tunnel (so they say).
I own a 1998 G/W Tigercat, which I bought from the original owner back 2008 after a lot of research.
I have since repowered with twin 225HP ETECs along with CMC electirc /HYD jack plates...I use these like standoff boxes to move the CG aft.

I have run a lot of trailerable power boats over the years & can honestly say this hull beats them all for running hard over rough open ocean North Atlantic (4-7+') seas. Previous to this I was a firm believer in the 24deg (at transom) monohull philosopy, but in my opinion this twin hull trumps all those.

You MUST run the bow proud, or it will dig & dart. The twin 56deg entry hulls are very aggressive and wiil grab if you drop the bow. Who gives a shit? Run this baot as designed and you will be rewared with an amazing ride that beats most 32's & longer. The earlier post about the hull not liking 4-strokes is utter nonsense...this hull needs weight AFT.... or lots of trim......

This is my 2nd G/W and I'd buy a 3rd if & when I figure I need to. I toured the factory way back when...and have since spoke numerous times to the design team & testers. These guys know how to build & rig powerboats.

I'm told (and I beleive) the reason G/W quit this hulls production was slow market demand.......the cat never really caught on in N America.

Anyhow, good luck & safe voyage.