Well this is the project I really didn’t want to do at this time. Mercury manual says AGM batteries. I was gonna just put 2 in and isolate the 2 banks but the wiring was horrible and all 4 batteries were group 24 start batteries. So I ripped em out and ordered 4 deka group 27’s. I’m gonna go ahead and change the charger also. The old one still works so I will keep it on the boat for a spare in a pinch. More pics to follow.
Got all 4 batteries out. They are just turning 3 and all 4 were start batteries no deep cycle. Got 4 dekas coming in agm. Got the original charger out it still worked bu was only a 2 bank charger. I don’t know what it really mattered all the batteries were pretty much wired together any way . I ordered a mastervolt 40 amp 3 bank charger. I added another switch for the house and will use the original 2 one for each motor keeping house and start batteries completely separate. I will add isolators between the start and house batteries. What a mess.
I have appointment with the dealer on June third to get this thing running. I’m ready to start using it.
It’s been a busy week. I replaced the 4 batteries with new deka group 27’s. I installed isolators and got everything sorted out in the battery compartment. Installed a new battery charger finished the bottom paint around the motors and got all my miscellaneous screws sorted and everything out of the boat. Wet sanded the few scratches that needed attention . I will be scrubbing it down tomorrow for the detail guy coming over Monday.
I had the Mercury mechanic over today with his laptop to marry the motors to the controls and fire the motors up. They lit right off and sounded awesome. I feel like I’m coming down the home stretch it’s been a long 8 months. I can’t wait to get this thing in the water.
Well we just got back from Ft Pierce looking for a slip. I had called all of them and got on the list but figured what the heck let’s drive down there and show are face.
I know how Mary and Joseph must have felt because everywhere we stopped was no go except one. It was in a marina very close to the inlet but had a lot of current and was 17. Per ft plus power and water . We ate lunch and stopped at the last one headded out of town. When we spoke to the dock master he looked at his board and says yep got one opening up June first how long do you want it? So we got annual for 12 bucks a ft. All inclusive. They have a new pool new laundry facility showers and a workout room. We are over the moon excited to finally have a place to park this beast. Hopefully the shakedown run goes well this weekend. Here’s a pic of the slip