Massachusetts Guys...

Usually not a gloater............ but this time I'm making an exception. Amusing to watch the Moonbats blaming the candidate instead of the idealology. Massachusetts............ take a well deserved bow!!!!
Thank You to our Moderator

While politics is not exactly the intention of this board, you were a sport for letting us rant!! Thanks.
I think that they are skating and making snowmen down below today cause it clearly froze over down there last night. :twisted: :twisted:

You think Pelosi and Reid will wake up this morning to the new reality. Doubt it, but who have thought Brown would be our new Senator today.

Politically it’s a wonderful feeling to be a conservative in Massachusetts today, something I have not been able to say for the past thirty-one years since moving here from New Hampshire.

Felt great to finally go to the polls knowing that my vote could actually make a difference. And it did :lol: Congrats to all who voted for BROWN. Who would've thought MA would be the state to lead against the Dems :shock:
Gman25 said:
Not my state either Mega,but it looks like its a done deal..who would of thunk..I think you start to get peoples attention with words like:

Social justice, Redistribution of Wealth, Universal Healthcare, Cap and Trade, etc

I finally did but it took too long. If Mass wouldn't have to pay for their own healthcare and the Federal it may not have had the same outcome but I'm REALLY happy Brown won.
Healthcare was NOT the only issue, although the Dems would like to deamonize us over it. The lies, deceit and holier than thou attitude had a GREAT deal to do with "The Shot Heard Round the World." :!:
Grog said:
Gman25 said:
Not my state either Mega,but it looks like its a done deal..who would of thunk..I think you start to get peoples attention with words like:

Social justice, Redistribution of Wealth, Universal Healthcare, Cap and Trade, etc

I finally did but it took too long. If Mass wouldn't have to pay for their own healthcare and the Federal it may not have had the same outcome but I'm REALLY happy Brown won.

Thats one theory Grog, but I have to give Mass. folks credit for also paying attention to the out in the open Bribe deals some states got(up to $300,000,000)for senate votes. That alone will get people to say WTF!!!!Also with over 60% of Americans happy with their healthcare and this administration wanting to change it? And them running with the whole Global warming farce that was sure to raise EVERYONES taxes based on BS science....Folks are waking up and paying attention to this far left progressive(look up Saul Alinsky and Cloward and Piven) President.And their not afraid to admit it.I dont think they thought in their wildest dreams Teds seat(I mean the Peoples seat) would have ever been replaced by a Republican.
Don't know how I missed this one. Didn't think political posts were allowed. Well, here goes...

I volunteered in his office, hung signs and donated funds, then my wife and kids (called brownies by the campaign workers) did the same. I sent the email below to everyone I knew. The independent conservative move is growing. Every congressional seat in Mass will be contested by a conservative in the mid term election. Time for the people to take our government back.

Scott Brown is running for US Senate in the Jan 19th special election. I strongly urge everyone to vote. This is a pivotal vote for Massachusetts and our country. He can be the person who stops the 60 vote majority the democrats currently have and the ability to ram though their agenda without check and balances. I am very concerned that we are reaching and economic tipping point and the massive borrowing and spending will cripple our children and grandchildren.

Ask your friends where they stand on the issues. Many people in Mass vote Democrat because they always have or because their family always did. The current Democratic Party is not the party of a few years ago - and surely not the party of your father. When you understand the candidates and their position on the issues - you will likely find you are aligned to the centrist that Scott is.

In my opinion, the Democratic Party is being led by radical progressives who seek more of a socialistic government than a democracy. The Democratic Party has been hi-jacked by the left and has the majority to drive an unchecked agenda. I'm not a Republican. To be honest, the Republicans have failed us as well. I am an Independent conservative who believes in the American system of government and the constitution. The system of checks and balances is what works for America. When there are no checks, when there is no balance, it is possible for and sadly history shows radical agendas enter the mainstream and can become reality right under the people’s noses.

I am convinced; this is exactly where we are now. We need checks and balances in government, we need thought leaders not people looking for self interest, and we need rational leaders that put America not themselves first. In my opinion, we need Scott Brown and a lot more like him.

Some things I ask you to think about:

- Lower taxes and less government regulation / intervention provide incentive for job creation and getting the economy going again. No government could spend their way to prosperity - ask the Russians.

- Businesses, especially small are being attacked by the over regulation and mandated cost of the government. Many business leaders are nervous; they don't know the implications of health care, taxes, cap-and-trade and other big ticket programs that the radical Democrats are pushing. Small business is the engine of America and will not hire until they are confident and have a business environment to do so.

- Smaller government not larger government is what is needed. American ingenuity and know how along with business friendly regulations are needed. We cannot have a government that smothers them and expect revival.

- The first so called "bail out" wasn't the right answer and a second is a scary thought. Printing and giving taxpayer money away is the equivalent of giving away a fish and compounding the problem by delaying the eventual. We all need to teach or learn to fish. All the firms that received "bail out" money were at the breach of collapse or restructure did just that – eventually. Taxpayer money did nothing but line pockets and extended the operation for a few months at best. Far too much was wasted, lost and unaccounted.

- Much of the "bail out" money was squandered; they can't even tell us who they gave it to with any certainty. This was rushed through so fast, it was unbelievable. When the machine pushes things fast and are not transparent with people – the citizens need to take heed, something is seriously wrong.

- Private industry not government is the answer. Let’s be honest with ourselves, the government can't even run the post office without a deficit. If this were a private enterprise, leaders would make the tough decisions and likely deliver mail 3-4 times per week, restructure the business to make it profitable and actively manage it back to growth.

- We should not be giving US citizen rights to suspected terrorists that the United States is at war with. Remember the English red coats? We are the red coats now and we need to wake up. The nature of war has been bifurcated. There are legitimate states that fight using traditional tactics and there are no rule terrorists. To cloak the issue and call these folks "man caused events" or anything less is insane. The English failed because they applied the rules for the red coat era of European war to the colonists. We will fail if we treat everything as a nail and continue to use a hammer, when a screwdriver is what is needed.

- Immigration is what made this country great. We should follow the rules and allow immigration to occur, but it must be done legally. There should be no amnesty or special privilege for those that break US laws. Give all police the ability to arrest and work with US Immigration to deport illegal aliens, undocumented workers etc.

- Government spending is out of control and we are borrowing way too much. Did you know over $0.40 of every dollar borrowed is for debt service now. Could you or better yet – would you run your home budget this way? Our elected officials need to stop this destructive live now – pay later thinking.

- The healthcare bill is far too complicated (>2K pages) and will reduce our standard of care. We all know there are intended consequences of bills, but the unintended are the scary ones. Do we really think this rushed, complicated bill that was written and legislated behind closed doors is the answer? What about those unintended consequences? Will they cripple us? How many more federal bureaucracies will be created? Will we have bureaucrats deciding our health – who gets treated and who doesn’t? If this is so great, why did the Senators and Representatives exempt themselves and their families? They should eat the same dog food they are giving us.

- The massive healthcare bill that affects 1/6th of our economy is the wrong method. Targeted fixes (tort reform, cross state line competition, basic care for all etc) are far better and can be more easily adjusted down the line. What about the Medicare reductions for our seniors that is in the bill? These will be the hidden taxes that we all pay.

- Term limits need to be championed. We need to change the game from self first to America first. Our Senators and Representatives spend most of their time planning or campaigning for re-election. For Senators and Representatives I’d start with 3 terms maximum, then get out and give another smart American an opportunity to serve. The US military has it right – up or out. If you’re a great person, seek higher office and make a bigger impact when your term expires, otherwise step aside and go back to the private sector.

In closing.

Scott is a 30 year US veteran still serving, a lawyer and held positions in local and state government as a state representative. He is a family man and most importantly lives in the real world with the rest of us. He is not beholden to special interests and has taken a term limit pledge. He is an independent thinking Republican that will break ranks with his own party if he doesn't agree. He is the critical 60th vote and will bring common sense back to Washington and do the right thing for the future of your children and grandchildren

Thanks and God Bless,
Funny how boating can bring a group of similar minded folks together...I think the folks at grady white are breathing a tad easier too. The feds killed the economy first with fannie mae freddie mac heating it up with their social engineering loan policies and then the bailouts and so forth adding to the deficit. It is clear to the leadership in the house they heard the shot across the bow of their leadership ( or lack there of) and now maybe they will listen...
Great post Fishtales and again THANK YOU Massachusetts and Scott Brown.
I had a good laugh when Obama was being interviewed the other day when he blamed Bush for making people angry causing them to vote for Brown...Way to go W!!
Gman25 said:
Great post Fishtales and again THANK YOU Massachusetts and Scott Brown.
I had a good laugh when Obama was being interviewed the other day when he blamed Bush for making people angry causing them to vote for Brown...Way to go W!!

Yeah, it is dillusional logic. People want even more change, they are mad at Bush, so they voted for a tea bagger conservative just to show Obama did not go far enough. It the words of Dr. Evil....Riiight

Let them live in their own little world...come November they will be smacked in the head with a political 2x4 reality when they loose the house...
i think we need to put a grady on the back of his truck and have him run for president :D
SmokyMtnGrady said:
Funny how boating can bring a group of similar minded folks together......

I was thinking more "simple-minded folks". Anyone who believes global warming is "a myth perpetrated by the liberal elite media" (thanks Sarah "I'm too Dumb to Read" Palin) should be shot from helicopters (thanks again Sarah!). Go tea-baggers!