Massachusetts Guys...

magicalbill said:
Gees, the Great Lakes were iceburgs once..When they melted no one said the cavemen caused it..

Hey that would be a great Democrat Geico Commercial...Climate easy even a cave man could cause it.. :lol:

2005 300 Marlin w/F250's
Does anyone out there remember about 25 or 30 years ago when the "dooms day experts" were predicting a second ice age as evidenced by the growing polar ice caps?

They, the “experts” can’t predict tomorrow’s weather how in the name of God are they going to predict something as massively complex as the earth’s climate.

It is clear that we can’t keep the rate of increase in fossil fuel consumption at the levels we are at or heading for. But just say that, and institute intelligent policy (oxymoron) to address the problem. Don’t invent a problem to hang our conspicuous consumption on.
Tashmoo said:
Does anyone out there remember about 25 or 30 years ago when the "dooms day experts" were predicting a second ice age as evidenced by the growing polar ice caps?

They, the “experts” can’t predict tomorrow’s weather how in the name of God are they going to predict something as massively complex as the earth’s climate.

It is clear that we can’t keep the rate of increase in fossil fuel consumption at the levels we are at or heading for. But just say that, and institute intelligent policy (oxymoron) to address the problem. Don’t invent a problem to hang our conspicuous consumption on.

IMHO: It never really was an issue about saving fuel. More likely a few inspired people who believe they are destined to be so great (the elites) that they feel they can control us by taxation and the whims of the UN. And Lord Barry has been more than willing to cede power to the UN. We gotta keep on our toes....
Do you all figure what you're saying passes for informed political discourse? No wonder the country is so screwed up, people who don't know shit are allowed to vote, and yes this means you! Get educated about the facts of which you portend to speak and maybe then you won't be pissin and moanin like little girls about how you aren't getting your way out of the government. Do you honestly think some huge group of random scientists have all colluded to get the world to believe its warming when its not? You sound like friggin idiots and I'm being kind! Do you really think deregulating everything will solve all your problems? Look what happened after Glass-Steagall was eliminated...near total financial meltdown with likely 25% unemployment. I study this for a living, with degrees in both science and finance...Do any of you?
OffTheCharts232, I surmise from your writing that you believe your “Magna expletive Laude” intellect gives you the right to insult people that you have absolutely no knowledge of. If you can’t communicate with a reasonable level of decorum then I for one respectfully ask that you go someplace else with your venomous discourse.

To your point and speaking only for myself, yes, I am well versed in combustion engineering and in fact have a degree in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration through advanced studies in Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics. I spent a considerable portion of my early carrier working for the Thermo Electron Corporation as a Combustion Engineer researching combustion processes and developing systems to improve the efficiency and emissions thereof.

So, am I qualified to discuss the issue, yes I believe that I am. Am I interested in doing so while being insulted by you, not in the least!

Be constructive, be respectful or be gone, none of us here has the time or desire to deal with your chosen approach.
I will be the 1st to admit I do not have the financial background to understand all the going's-on in Washington. I DO understand that you don't build up trillion dollar deficits to cure ANY problem.

With all due respect, we are "brothers" of a sort due to our common love of boating and Gradys..Anyone who believes the Earth is warming, however, is misinformed. I may not be "educated" about the facts, but I know the Earth is always changing, and when it stays incredibly cold in Fla. for 2 weeks and Lake Michigan is too cold to swim in 3 years in a row there is no warming going on.
As I stated in an earlier post, fish are dying in the canals in Marathon, iguanas were falling out of trees, and the charter guys and the locals said this recent cold snap was unprecedented.
I have a belief that the media, congressmen, and yes, YOUR scientists are not telling us the truth about a host of things; global warming at the top of the list.
I am not going to "piss and moan" as you say we're doing. I am going to calmly wait 'till November and do my part to vote them out of office.

I'll bet I'm not alone either.....
Ted Kennedy's Seat

:D Woke up this morning still all warm and fuzzy inside that the light is beginning to come on across the country. However, that does not preclude local and state governments from sticking it to us on fishing regs, fuel taxes, and BS conservation regulations.
Ted Kennedy's Seat

:D Woke up this morning still all warm and fuzzy inside that the light is beginning to come on across the country. However, what happened in Mass. does not preclude local and state governments from sticking it to us on fishing regs, fuel taxes, and BS conservation regulations.
I also graduated Magna Cum Laude but don't feel the need to insult others on the board. I also am ready for change - back to the foundations of our country and FAR away for socialism!
I haven't insulted anyone, just commented on a behavior. there is a distinct difference between local temperature variation and global average. BTW thank you for proving my points with your replies. Part of the problem is that one party insisting on like mindedness of all its members, this is not good for the country or any large organizational structure, only gives rise to groupthink and prevents any constructive conflict which is what usually gives rise to the best solutions. this however has not been the case for the last 20 years or so. If both parties stick their heads in the sand and say no to everything the other side says, or on a local level the people on this board can't handle it when disagreed with, we as a country lose. I am a registered independent voter btw...I just want to see science and honesty trump ideology someday...I know call me a dreamer, whatever...
OffTheCharts232 said:
btw...I just want to see science and honesty trump ideology someday...I know call me a dreamer, whatever...
Honesty would be a good start.
Local temperature variation vs. global average?
Last week Germany had a huge snowstorm snarling all kinds of travel.
I've already said how cold it was (and is) in Florida.
Barrow Alaska has not been above zero for a week or more. The polar bears are fine..last I heard ice melts at 32 degrees.
Fortunately for all of us, DC has been receiving huge amounts of snow, shutting down the government offices. As long as those nutcases are stuck in their homes, they can't run the deficit up anymore.

You seem like a smart guy. You write articulately and express your points well. I can't understand how someone like you believes this stuff..I'll say it again..the Earth has been changing since the dawn of time. No one blamed it on the dinasours or the cavemen.Why is it our fault now? I wanted to rip the radio out of my dash a couple weeks ago when a commercial came on saying that it will harm our cars to let them warm up...
Dear Off the Charts,

I must be one of those idiots you speak of. Guys like you really bother me. If you can't win on data, information and fact - you stoop to attacks and the elitist position that "we know better" so be quiet and take it.

Maybe you can help me out.
1.) Portend. Is that pretend?
2.) Pissin. Is this pissing?
3.) Moanin. Is this moaning?
4.) " you aren't getting your way out of the government." I have no idea what this is. Maybe you can inform us?
5.) Magna expletive Laude. I think not.
6.) Degrees in science and finance? Maybe, from which match book cover?

I happen to believe the single minded scientists based their "hypothesis" on inaccurate data, then some of the dopes manipulated it "aka tricked", then the brilliant folks that they are lost the data. Sorry, three strikes and your out. The hypothesis foundation is built on sand.

I'm asking you to show us the data that supports your argument. To insult shows exactly how the moon bats operate. The vineyard - :D , need I say more about moon bats?

Put the data that supports your argument in the public domain and share it with people on the other side so we can analyze it. All of the left wingers need to stop this "We're smarter than you" attitude. Stop trying to tell others what to do.

We don't tell you not to keep voting for Barney Frank. Remember that guy hooking up with a guy while the guy runs a male prostitute ring out of his house? The guy that forced Freddie and Fannie to loan money to anyone with a pulse without any ability to pay? That idiot that attached a journalist for asking him a question? When you fail to respect the people you work for, you work at your peril. Hopefully there are enough sensible people on the cape to toss this chump out.

Don't give us this deregulation smokescreen as an argument for more government control.

We want smaller government - not more.
We want a president that isn't borrowing more in his first year than was almost borrowed since the beginning of this republic.
We want a president that defends not tears down the constitution.
We want government out of our personal lives.
We're sick of politicians that are working for their party first, themselves second and the people last.

I could go on and on, but I won't. I will run my boat, car and anything else, even if the sea rises and washes over that little island off the MA coast.
Well said ..... and we started with Scott Brown. The horsefaced gigilo is next then we'll get "Hot Bottom".
Zebulon is THE Man

Best articulation ever. Way to go. What is the horse-faced gigolo? Is that a Massachusetts issue? Congratulations.