Massachusetts Guys...

uncljohn said:
SmokyMtnGrady said:
Funny how boating can bring a group of similar minded folks together......

I was thinking more "simple-minded folks". Anyone who believes global warming is "a myth perpetrated by the liberal elite media" (thanks Sarah "I'm too Dumb to Read" Palin) should be shot from helicopters (thanks again Sarah!). Go tea-baggers!

If she's a fox news analyst, ran for vice president, authored a book, was governor of Alaska, AND too dumb to read, what does that make you?

Sorry if this is too simple-minded for you :roll:
I wonder how in the world Greenland and Iceland's climate changed and there was no man made greenhouse affect at that time????
Mystery maybe the greenhouse Zar could explain.
Like her or not Palin is a very sharp lady and pleasant on the eyes also.
More information is coming out how the climate change data was fudged. All they want to do is push a their adjenda.

Ask the Vikings how Greenland was before it was covered in snow and ice. The world is going to CHANGE no matter what we do.
232 GULF said:
uncljohn said:
SmokyMtnGrady said:
Funny how boating can bring a group of similar minded folks together......

I was thinking more "simple-minded folks". Anyone who believes global warming is "a myth perpetrated by the liberal elite media" (thanks Sarah "I'm too Dumb to Read" Palin) should be shot from helicopters (thanks again Sarah!). Go tea-baggers!

If she's a fox news analyst, ran for vice president, authored a book, was governor of Alaska, AND too dumb to read, what does that make you?

Sorry if this is too simple-minded for you :roll:

Yeah, "Fox News analyst". Good one! :lol: "Authored a book". Another good one! :lol: Howabout "used to be governor but decided to quit b/c she obviously didn't care enough about her state as she did for her personal welfare" (see the payment she got for her "book"). :roll:

Its the simple-minded folks who think the world will fix itself as long as you got yours.
uncljohn said:
232 GULF said:
uncljohn said:
SmokyMtnGrady said:
Funny how boating can bring a group of similar minded folks together......

I was thinking more "simple-minded folks". Anyone who believes global warming is "a myth perpetrated by the liberal elite media" (thanks Sarah "I'm too Dumb to Read" Palin) should be shot from helicopters (thanks again Sarah!). Go tea-baggers!

If she's a fox news analyst, ran for vice president, authored a book, was governor of Alaska, AND too dumb to read, what does that make you?

Sorry if this is too simple-minded for you :roll:

Yeah, "Fox News analyst". Good one! :lol: "Authored a book". Another good one! :lol: Howabout "used to be governor but decided to quit b/c she obviously didn't care enough about her state as she did for her personal welfare" (see the payment she got for her "book"). :roll:

Its the simple-minded folks who think the world will fix itself as long as you got yours.

Uh oh...looks like we have a few...Lets have really big govt so they can take care of me so I dont have to work hard for what I have people and lets take from and punish the successful people and give to the lazy-What can the Govt do for me people......Brilliant!!!!! :roll:
uncljohn said:
232 GULF said:
uncljohn said:
SmokyMtnGrady said:
Funny how boating can bring a group of similar minded folks together......

I was thinking more "simple-minded folks". Anyone who believes global warming is "a myth perpetrated by the liberal elite media" (thanks Sarah "I'm too Dumb to Read" Palin) should be shot from helicopters (thanks again Sarah!). Go tea-baggers!

If she's a fox news analyst, ran for vice president, authored a book, was governor of Alaska, AND too dumb to read, what does that make you?

Sorry if this is too simple-minded for you :roll:

Yeah, "Fox News analyst". Good one! :lol: "Authored a book". Another good one! :lol: Howabout "used to be governor but decided to quit b/c she obviously didn't care enough about her state as she did for her personal welfare" (see the payment she got for her "book"). :roll:

Its the simple-minded folks who think the world will fix itself as long as you got yours.

The quotes you put around her jobs don't change the facts buddy. Think what you want about her intelligence but she hasn't gotten to where she is today by being "too dumb to read" or ANYTHING close to it.

......And well said GMAN :D
The world's temperature is continually changing and has been since the beginning of time. I don't think anyone will argue that GHG could be a contributing factor to global warming. We just don't have the evidence. If so, the question is to what degree and what is the trade off analysis (cost / benefit) for the actions that we would need to take to affect global warming.

One study I saw was that if we went back to the stone ages and stopped all GHG emissions, we are talking about at 0.1 degree impact. The unbiased trade off analysis hasn't been made, just people running around with all sorts of dooms day scenarios.

The real question is SHOW US THE DATA that supports the arguement. Make it available in raw format so we can have others reivew and have an open debate. If my memory serves me right, the so called unbiased scientists lost or maybe even destroyed the data. One has to ask Why and How did this happen. Especially when their manipulations were made public.

Why the smoking gun emails that show that scientists were unable to explain why the earth is actually cooling not heating as the models predicted. Then the guys have the nads to "trick" the data so the hypothesis that the world is warming was supported. Fabrication and deception at best, loss of total credibility at worse. Scientists fired and normal people now questioning everything.

Now the latest story that the world will be in a 30 year cooling period but then dramatically shift to a warming period that will alter the world as we know it. We can't predict the weather tomorrow, never mind 30 years out. Nuts!

There is another big flaw in this arguement. We must assume that the earth's atmosphere actually retains the GHG emissions and does not allow heat generated to escape. This is the primary theory that you must believe (heat relfected back at earth and thus temperature rise). This is a hypothesis as well and there is growing data and experts that beleive heat from GHG is not trapped, but radiates out. If this is the case, we do not have an issue.

The bottom line is the scientists must provide the data that supports the warming claims to the international community and see if the data supports their hypothesis. If not, we really are peeing into the wind. Let the skeptics run their analysis, let the rational middle see both sides and I'm sure if the data supports - action will follow.

Time to burn some gas!!!

I'm a little curious. If people really feel this way, why not lead and sell their boat and cars, unplug homne from the elec grid, shut off their heating system and eat uncooked foods and save the planet? Why? Because they think they are better than the rest of us and their so called rules don't apply th them. Hypocrits!
Danny, note that many experts claim as you do that we have little impact on long term temperature trends. Many of these have PhDs in climatology and atmospheric sciences; most notably Dr. William Gray from U of Colorado.

I have also read a report that claims even if GHGs are the culprit and went went to ZERO emissions today the impact would be less then a single degree in 100 years. That tells me that whether you believe we cause a warming trend or not, we can do little about it.
One MAJOR factor in the global warming (ahem climate change) was the SALE OF CARBON CREDITS period. GE, Al Gore, and others were all set to make billions off carbon credits. Between them saying methane gas is causing warming, then CO2 but nobody says anything about water which would do more than CO2.
232 GULF said:
The quotes you put around her jobs don't change the facts buddy. Think what you want about her intelligence but she hasn't gotten to where she is today by being "too dumb to read" or ANYTHING close to it.

She got where she is b/c she's hot and she's got a firecracker personality. Next you're gonna try to say that George W Bush was a brilliant politician. Anyone who thinks she's intelligent is obviously looking at the world from the bottom of the smart-ladder. As usual, "Fox News got it right and everyone else is wrong". Hahahaha!
This ought to be a good one, what did Fox News get wrong that other networks got right? That's why they have more viewers than MSN and CNN combined.
So anyone who's "hot" and has a "firecracker personality" (WHATEVER THE F*** THAT MEANS????) can be as successful as she is? Believe me, she's not the smartest analyst or the best author or the best at anything, but I think its fair to say she is above average intelligence for getting to the place she's in today. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror and evaluate yourself. You seem like a cocky MF who needs to be put in his place. And NO, I do not think that George Bush was a brilliant politician, OBVIOUSLY. And apparantly you think you got it right and everyone else got it wrong.

Sorry to the others who probably think "this is a boating forum, shut up" and I agree. Just can't stand these people and needed to get it out. RANT OVER. :roll:
No need to explain- you said it perfectly- growing up and living in Mass I have dealt w/ uncljohn's my whole life- it gets old
I just got back from 2 weeks in Marathon, Fla.
It broke 60 degrees 3 times in the two weeks..Notice I said "broke" 60. Key West recorded the 2nd lowest temp in recorded history;42. 1-off the all-time record. The last 2 days it hit the low 70's. Iguanas were falling out of trees, fish were dying in the canals, the Gulf side of the Keys was registering water temps in the hi-40's low- 50's. The charter guys, the locals,everyone was saying this was unprecedented.

When I spend 2 weeks in the Keys with sweatshirts and coats on, it is gonna be a hard sell to get me to believe the Earth's getting warmer.

I say their all liars. I don't want the Government involved in the auto industry, healthcare and all the other aspects of our lives. I don't want 15% Ethanol; I want to drill for oil here at home and I want Sara Palin for President.

The cold in Florida has nothing to do with global warming. (by the way did Al Gore invent global warming before or after the internet??) This is a scientifically proven derivative of the Massachusetts election of a Republican to Ted's old seat. Hxxx has frozen over and as a result the Keys are now cold.

Three cheers for or savior SCOTT BROWN!!!!

I‘ve got to tell you this feels is as good as any of the recent Boston sports teams championships.
:D :lol: :P
Still waiting for the data here....

This is how the left wing moon bats work. They come up with baseless positions that pull at the emotion strings of people. They have little data to support and then attack people when they logically question them.

We can't wait for the mid term elections in in liberal Mass. We are going to sweep the rest of the left wing loonie Dems right out the door.

If they keep screwing around with the certification process for Scott Brown, they will all pay for it. It only took the Mass Dem machine 2 days to certify and swear in Nicki Tsongs (dem) after the election to replace her husband. The delay with Scott Brown is a travesty.

The interim stiff that was hand selected to be the temp senator from Mass, doesn't even have the decency to step down. He keeps voting dem while Scott waits.

The Dem machine is done, they have forgot that they serve us. They are serving themselves and their party. Sweep them out all over the nation I say.....
Oh yeah, I forgot..They always have a reason to defend their outlandish positions..Some poor girl at the cash register in the marina where I stayed(froze) said SHE heard that the Earth is naturally getting colder to climatologically "right" itself from the global warming that has occurred. I patiently tried to explain to her(With my winter coat on) that the Earth always changes and always will.. We are pretty full of ourselves if we think people can make that big a difference on this planet..Gees, the Great Lakes were iceburgs once..When they melted no one said the cavemen caused it..

Fishtales is right..They don't have any real data. Notice now they are beginning to say "climate change" as opposed to "global warming?"