sailfish 252 fuel burn twin 225 ficht 2000's

Any of you guys involved in ongoing anger management programs. ? :lol:

NA2, if that case is on point, great. Give us some more details. That is what we need, not endless speculation. Who powered the boat over the rating or is this what occurred ? Was the boat placard from the factory judged to be incorrectly rated based on the CG formula ? Was the subject boat under 20 feet ?

I am not going to cry or retaliate if you post valid on point cases. Facts without personal attacks used to be the norm here and work for me.

By the way, is that a Gulfstream you have? I beleive they were previously rated for 350 hp, my 2001 was rigged with twin 200s. Wonder what was changed structurally on my boat. Be careful. Just kidding.... :lol: :lol:

Should we consider the change over from crank to prop ratings, the 10% variance allowance in ratings, or the HO and XS cowling ratings ?

I think the subject boat with fichts will have smpg in the 1.9 range with 19 props. 8)
Here are the bottom lines:

1. The boat is out of warranty and Grady isnt liable for anything unless it could be proven that the boat handled unsafely with the recommended power (would have had to have been proven long ago too). They dont really care if you put twin 9.9's or convert the boat to twin turbo diesel inboards. They will stick with their recommendations but the safety of the vessel and its operation is up to the owner

2. It is not illegal to overpower a boat and obtaining insurance or a loan isnt a problem or issue

3. The 225hp repower hasnt altered the handling, performance or sea worthiness of the boat in a detrimental way.
johngw said:
Now I see why Jim is so smart. He carrys a 100ton master ticket. :lol:
Most people that promote that they hold a captians ticket means they know nothing. Anyone can get a ticket easy these days. Any ticket is not worth much in my book.

Bill thanks for posting the info. Another one of many post that Master 100 ton is wrong on. :shock:

my ticket is 20yrs was a lot different to get it when i did...are you a ticket holder ??? :wink:
I dont need to boast if I have a ticket or not. I have alot more water time then you ever will. The big question to you is, is your's still valid?
johngw said:
I dont need to boast if I have a ticket or not. I have alot more water time then you ever will. The big question to you is, is your's still valid?

that's a pretty bold statement...i'd be willing to bet i got ya' beat....and yes,my ticket is quite 'bout you ??? got a ticket ???
I got a quote from Boat US on gw204s boat. Filled out the application with 450 hp, max speed of 46 mph. I am a boat US member. Annual premium $407.00. I guess I could have been denied if that was my goal and entered a top speed of 55 and offshore use. Instead I got a quote as if I were actually buying the boat.

I'll cut and post the quote I just received:


Thank you for your interest in BoatU.S. Marine Insurance and for taking
the time to tell us about your boat. We are pleased to offer the
following quote(s), based on the coverage option(s) you selected. If you
would like to purchase any of these option(s) online, now or in the
future, please click here:[redacted]

If you want to purchase your coverage over the phone or have a question,
please call (800) 283-2883 Monday - Friday between the hours of
8am - 9pm and Saturday between the hours of 9am - 5pm, EST. Please
refer to your Application Number: xxxxxx.

[My name and address redacted]

Type of Boat : 252G 1993 GRADY WHITE 25

Cruising Area : Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries

Boat and Boating Equipment (Agreed Hull Value) : $39,000.00
Boat and Boating Equipment Deductible : $390.00
Storm Deductible : $1,950.00
Boating Liability : $100,000.00
Fuel and Other Spill Liability : $800,000.00
Medical Payments : $1,000.00
Boat Trailer : $3,500.00
Trailer Deductible : $50.00
Personal Effects : $500.00
Personal Effects Deductible : $50.00
Uninsured Boater Protection-Limit each Accident : $100,000.00

BOAT U.S. MEMBERSHIP (Required if not a Member) : $19.00

The following applies to boats located in the states of TX, LA, MS,
AL, FL, GA, NC, SC, or VA: In the event of any loss caused directly
or indirectly by a storm named by National Oceanic & Atmospheric
Administration(NOAA), the deductible subtracted from each loss,
whether partial or total loss, will be $1,000, or 5% of the amount
shown for Boat & Boating Equipment whichever shall be the greatest.


This is a binder that could be reviewed and later rejected, but the initial application was accepted without any demonstrated concern about the power.
NA2P and others,

You referended the NYS Boaters Guide, I say see pages 47 (pdf), 45 in guide.
Look at the photo sketch? What do you see?

Is that irresponsible, is that what we are talking about here ?

The GUIDE says Operators SHOULD ALSO strictly follow the manuf. recomendations. .. weight, steering....may be effected, etc.

The boat in question has the same engine weights 225/200, same steering equipment applied properly.

What does the word "GUIDE" mean ? Why not "LAW".

Why did they write "SHOULD ALSO", instead of "MUST NOT" or "AGAINST THE LAW"?

The idiot in the sketch photo is what the intent of the NYS Boaters Guide is aimed at, or anyone else operating a boat in an unsafe manner, including speeding that results in an accident.

If the boat in question, not the one on the photo, is speeding that results in an accident, it's the operator's fault - he can't blame anyone esle including Yamaha or Grady, so be responsible for your actions - don't blame someone else.

I have the 400 HP on my SAIFISH model, I can easily roll over the boat by turning the wheel in an inappropriate manner at speed, just like in my car, makes no difference if I has twin 150s, twin 175s, twin 200s, or twin 225s. I can do the same with any boat. So who at blame if I roll the boat?

The idiot boat in the sketch is unsafe at any speed, unsafe to leave the dock. Same goes for overloading boat with too many people. That's why you can be stopped by officials, and should be stopped, the idiot in the photo is a hazard to all.

Why use that mountain of an example, for teh subject boat?

What is the specific hazard in the subject boat, not the idiot boat ?
What laws are being broken with the subject boat ?

Why do you guys continue to support mountain building out of molehills, who is benefiting here from the fear it fosters on the less informed here at the site? And how does it benefit them?
GWcpa said:
This is a binder that could be reviewed and later rejected, but the initial application was accepted without any demonstrated concern about the power.

i called the number,i listed,spoke to a rep,and gave them the info...i was told exactly what i wasn't my "goal" to have coverage declined...

has anyone come up with something IN WRITING,from a boat mfg,stating it's ok to exceed their maximum rated horse power ???
has anyone actually called grady white customer service ????

just curious,bill and bop,as well as b faithful have been on me pretty hard,bascially claiming i have no clue what i'm talking,has anyone actually called grady,and asked the question ??? if so,post up the results....
Who cares what Grady states. Mister 100 ton stated that you could not get insurance. Well it looks like he is wrong again. :lol:
Hey Jimmy, the only posts I've seen on this site reflectig damage to Gradys several years now, has been with two new engines on a repower ripping off a Grady transom and going to the deep 6, and another one that cracked the transom nearly off. Were they overpowered and is that what caused the transom failures ?

No one is asking you to repower a boat in this thread, are they?

Grady is not going to entertain such requests so some nutjob who wants to gas turbine power his Grady to chase down Formulas can say Grady said it is ok ? Grady will say, you want more power, buy a bigger boat, they are in business to sell boats, right?

Ironically, I can go out and replace my 200 HPDIs with 200 Honda 4 strokers as bolt on replacements, adding over two hundred pounds to the bracket and transom. That's OK right, because its per plate, right ? Boat is safe right ? Boat is covered by warranty right ? Transom not under excessive force, right ? WRONG !

As long as you stay within 400HP, That means you would repower the subject boat with 4 strokers - so it goes.
OK Who is this "mrbackflash" prankster?????

If you notice he has only one post and it is the original for this thread
and has not replied even once. :?

So fess up, who is the instigator here :?:

I think this post was a deliberate set up to get a heated debate going!!!!!

It would take guys with vast knowledge of boats to even notice the issues that stemmed from the original post, i think mrbaclash knew this, and knew who the players of the debate game would be.

Very clever MrBacklkash, very clever indeed :!:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You guys this is entertaing, I tune in everyday to see the next episode of Days of our Fitch Fuel Burn!! :P

You are all very knowledgable about what you all do, and with thinkers there will be debate. I give you all credit on defending your points of view, believe it or not it makes the site more valuable to me to know that there are different opinions for me to choose from and not everyone is satisfied with one opinion that everyone follows like sheep.

So MrBackflash, where are you?????? :P
Re: oh well....

="jimmy's marine service

2nd call was to "boat us",phone number 877-476-7630
got a call this morning,after filling out a quote request yesterday,the coverage was DECLINED,due to the fact the boat has been OVER POWERED,this was the decision from their underwriting department...i'm waiting for a few others to get back to me,and believe me,as soon as they do,i WILL post the result...

Looks like to me you filled out the automated quote just like I did, according to what you posted. Then you said they called you. Now you state that you called them first. Which is it? In fact, if you read the quote above, it is non-sensical. "2nd call was to them after I filled out the quote they called me..." Huh?

I stuck that binder disclaimer in there just as a CYA . I see no reason why boat US would do so. I've had multiple policies and quotes from them with no problems, or claims for that matter.

There is not reason I see for GW to approve and over-power as I've already stated at least once before, but that does not matter to a buyer. It has nothing to do with getting insurance coverage or the integrity of the hull. That is what a buyer would be concerned with, and my point of posting all of this crap.

I think the seller of this boat is being harmed for invalid reasons. I don't know gw204 either, not the point. However it is ironic he has generally supported you in the past where some have not.

Oh, and the fichts may achieve 2 smpg given the right situation. Gotta stay on topic. :lol:
Good post TBone. I was thinking of saying something along the lines of "As the Grady Turns" or "Days of our Grady" as well. :lol:

This time of year my boat is dormant for a couple of months, and it is not hard to tell based on how much I 've posted. I've said it before and say it now, I like Jimmy's informative posts. I am just sypathetic to the seller who has gotten caught in this mess.

In fact with the quote I created above, I really don't think Jimmy is lying about the insurance, were are just baiting for responses. At least I'll admit it.

Just ignore it Jimmy and you can make fun of my boat or something. :lol: lol.... I don't have a ticket either, although there is one for speeding on my desk now.
the truth.....

i had a gentleman from north carolina call me today,regarding this very site...he asked me for some info regarding wiring a seperate and dedicated battery system in his rig...this very gentleman thanked for the information i post-that's the whole idea here,it's called helping some one out...
i only give information on what my experience,as well as my knowledge allows,i do this stuff everyday,trust me when i state something,'cause it's true !!!

now,original post,i stated ...


forgive me if i'm wrong....but....isn't that much power on those boats against the rating on the hull from gw ??? in other words,these boats are overpowered ??? that's not good,how do you get the boat insured ??? did you know,if you're involved in a boating accident,and the boat you own,the max hp has been exceeded,you've got some explaining to do...personally,i would avoid that rig with the fichts,the engines are a bad subject,the fact it's over powered is worse....keep looking,you're gonna find a better deal...
jimmy's marine service llc

coming to a computer near you...

here's my girlfriend's pic...

that's exactly what i stated...i was unaware of what brian's boat was powered with,i knew he had yamaha engines,brian sent me a pm,regarding his engines,and a problem with one of them-all previously stated,right ???
now,what we have is something that snowballed into whatever,i've been called a liar,a know it all big mouth,and i can't be wrong...well,truth of the matter is,the boat is overpowered,"capt bill"knew it,that's why brian had to sign a disclosure-read his prior posts,if there was no problem,then why did brian have to sign a disclosure ??? interesting huh ??
now,i called grady white,i got the answer i knew i would get...i posted that answer,i stated if anyone doubted me,call grady,again,how many of you guys did ??? no answer yet,why is that ??? all you guys who've trashed me,but yet,no one has posted the results of a contact with grady regarding the overpowering of one of their boats,WHY???
"got a call this morning,after filling out a quote request yesterday,the coverage was declined,due tothe fact the boat has been overpowered"...that's what i stated,go back reread it,that was boat us...i posted their number as well...filled out qa quote request on line,that's NOT what i stated,did it over the phone...get it right...ok ?? i can only tell someone this,i've NEVER SEEN A BOAT MFG,STATE,IN WRITING OR OTHERWISE,IT"S OK WITH THEM TO USE MORE HORSEPOWER THAN THEIR MAXIMUM RECCOMENDED HP...WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS ??? you guys can claim anything you want,it means absolutley nothing,i know the correct answer to this question,so does "capt bill",that' why he had brian sign a disclosure,to cover his azzz...wonder why ???

side note....gonna get a few more guys mad at me,but hey,what the hell...

got a "pm" from brian,gw204,regarding my mention of a problem with his engines,he asked me this...

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From: gw204
To: jimmy's marine service
Posted: Jan Wed 02, 2008 9:41 pm
Subject: Overpowering...
Hey Jimmy, I know you're not busting my balls.

I was hoping you would take that mention of a knock out of your post though. I'm not trying to hide that fact but I'm not advertising it either.

How was your holiday?


St. Leonard, MD
1993 Grady White Sailfish 252G - For Sale
1981 Mako 17 Project
1975 Aquasport 170 Project - For Sale

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this was my reply....

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From: jimmy's marine service
To: gw204
Posted: Jan Mon 07, 2008 2:15 pm
Subject: Re: Overpowering...
sorry brian,i mean absolutley no offense,but i will not reword what i m y opinion,if you're not disclosing the fact one of the engines on the boat has a problem,you're lying and you're trying to cheat someone-that's terrible !!! i believe in complete honesty,clearly,you don't...shame on you !!! this is called "a round world" that i mean,you're selling a rig with a bad crank shaft,when you purchase a pursuit,would you want the owner to not disclose a problem ??? get it ???
that's a sleazy move,i thought you were a decent guy...guess i was wrong...

jimmy's marine service llc

coming to a computer near you...

here's my girlfriend's pic...

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now...if that makes me a bad guy,then so be it...but ask yourself this question....if you were gonna buy a boat,and the person who was selling it knew there was a serious problem,and didn't state it,would you be mad ???

now...again,i honestly didn't know brian's rig was powered with twin 225's,i really didn't...reread my original post....

and again,if anyomne doubts me,call the same numbers i did,and please by all means,post your results....
I guess Mr 100 ton does not know that "pm" mean's private message. That means the person does not want what he sent you to be seen by others. Yet you need to post it.

PM = Private Message :roll:
I know a guy who mounted twin 250 merc's on his 89 sailfish a few years back which replaced his 89 150 yamaha's.Think he said he can get it up to 55 MPH :shock:

2005 300 Marlin w/F250's
Good Ones GWcpa! :lol:

I know one thing from these posts, If Location/distance was not an issue,
If I needed Fiberglass work done structural or cosmetic,
Jimmy would be the first one I would call.
He is confidant and makes a full hearted effort to back up his beliefs.
I believe he would stand behind his work 100% and give Zero B.S.
and tells you like it is (wether you like it or not)
I also feel that his posts, altough sometimes
harsh, are truthful to what his experiece has
taught him, and only in the benfit to those of
us who use this site.
He has shown us and gave steps on how to do
certain projects, pretty cool for a guy who does that
for a living to hand over tips to do it yourself to us for free.

His confidence may appear to be "cocky" but if you run your own business
you had better have confidence in your skills!

Anyways thats my two copper discs :)
"got a call this morning,after filling out a quote request yesterday,the coverage was declined,due tothe fact the boat has been overpowered"...that's what i stated,go back reread it,that was boat us...i posted their number as well...filled out qa quote request on line,that's NOT what i stated,did it over the phone...get it right...ok ?? "

I did go back and read, (why I did this is a great question, because I don't know why I care) :lol:

"(A)fter filling out a quote yesterday..." was pretty clear to me that you submitted information as I did. In any event, I've got a binder and application number in me e-mail now. You got a coverage denial that Boat US sends out in your e-mail?

But given the rest of your disclosed information, I guess I don't really care. My reasons for defending the seller may be moot, it seems. Maybe your means justify the end? Peace out.
once...just once...

johngw said:
I guess Mr 100 ton does not know that "pm" mean's private message. That means the person does not want what he sent you to be seen by others. Yet you need to post it.

PM = Private Message :roll:

once...just once,would i really love for a guy like you to actually show up at my shop....boy,i bet the knowledge that you could show me would just make my head spin,right??? and what was the name of your shop again,i think i forgot it ???
do me a favor,gimme a call,any time,day or nite,609-214-7556,i will give you detailed directions to my shop,but you gotta show up there big guy...whatta ya' say ??? put or shut up..... :wink: :wink:
Well, I don't even know what to say at this point. I initially responded to this thread in order to contribute some useful information. I see now that my attempt to help a perspective Sailfish owner have proven to be futile.

That being said, my only comments at this point are the following...

Is there a knock in one of my engines. Yes. It's slight and can only be heard at idle. The motor starts easily and runs extremely well. However, I did have the engine checked out by a top Yamaha/Grady/Parker dealer in my area. Their advice was to continue running the engine and not worry as the noise did not appear to indicate imminent failure. That was in Aug. '06 and the engine has been running great ever since and the noise has not gotten any worse.

So, my response to Jimmy (which he conveniently left out) was...

"If someone asks about the condition of the engines, I will be more than happy to tell them about the noise. But I'm not going to jump right out and say it. That would be stupid from a sellers perspective. I also see your point from a buyers perspective. Anyway, I will also tell them that I had the engine checked out by the no. 1 Yamaha/Grady/Parker dealer in my area and their advice was to continue running it and not worry. I'll give them the phone number for the place, tell them who I worked with and let them call themselves if they want. They're welcome to sea trial the boat, have anyone they want look over the engines and make their own judgement. To me, there's no dishonesty in that.

If you wanna talk sleazy moves, you posting that info from a PM in the first place would qualify. I don't recall you ever getting in touch with me to see if the problem had been fixed before you made that statement.


Now, I have to ask why this engine issue was even brought up in a totally unrelated post? What was the point? Why have my boat and I been dragged through the mud? I tried to take the high road here and resolve an issue between Jimmy and I in what I believed to be a civilized and professional manner. And that's all I have to say about that...