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    Engine Tilt

    Great thanks!
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    Engine Tilt

    So I have been noticing lately that the hydrolic tilt on my engine sometimes doesnt move. I think its due to the fluid being there a way to change this or add more? When I am raising it out of the water about 1/2 way up it starts to make a god awful crushing or scraping noise. What...
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    New guy, need some help.

    I have a Grady 180 too! I get my cushions done at Building 21 Boat canvas in Rockland MA. Great guy, nice shop and all he does is Grady White Canvas/cushions.
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    Fuel Tank Sensor

    As im thinking about it...The screws on this sensor are pretty old. What is the best way to loosen them up so I dont strip them when I take out the old sensor? Any ideas??? Thanks
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    Fuel Tank Sensor

    Just ordered my sensor (SSL) from WEMAUSA. They were very helpful and are also sending that new compound gasket...its cork and silicone combined!!?! I am also going to be replacing the connections that run from the sensor to the Yamaha gauge on the dash as they are pretty corroded. Thanks...
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    Fuel Tank Sensor

    I did forget one are the holes in the new valve from WEMA compared to the pre drilled holes in the gas tank? Does anyone have an idea?
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    Fuel Tank Sensor

    Point taken! Ill look into the cork gasket when I order the sensor. And ill make sure not to tighten the screws to much!
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    Fuel Tank Sensor

    Do I need to grease or lube the cork gaskets? It would seem that they arnt as sturdy as rubber or some other type? Can you explain why these are the preferred? Thanks, igblack87
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    Fuel Tank Sensor

    Great, thanks everyone. Ill let you know how it goes...with some pics!
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    Fuel Tank Sensor

    Thanks for the info! I will be cleaning out the o-rings and replacing them all. Going to find a vacuum and clean that and the bilge out anyways...caked with crap!!! Might be a silly question but how do I find out the length of the sensor? Is unscrewing it from the fuel tank going to set the...
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    Fuel Tank Sensor

    I'm hoping someone can help me!! I have a 2001 180 Fisherman and recently had the fuel gauge malfunction on me. I filled the tank the other day and noticed the fuel gauge level was still blinking on the last bar...I opened the fuel tank cover between the bench and console and realized that it...