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  1. M

    265 Express/Suzuki DF200APXW2

    Yeah, I come from that same era; that's why I gave your RPM's a second look. Sounds like your fuel burn is much more efficient. That savings should buy extra drinks at the dock party...
  2. M

    265 Express/Suzuki DF200APXW2

    Glad your happy with the results. Isn't spinning those mils at 5K a bit much for long periods?
  3. M

    My 228 arrived

    I read this post and noted afterword with some amusement that I had no idea what any of it meant.
  4. M

    Bumpers/fenders on a 228?

    Served with a grouper sandwich; great way to watch the tide and your fenders...
  5. M

    Bumpers/fenders on a 228?

    You would bring that up....
  6. M

    Bumpers/fenders on a 228?

    With all the replies, I thought I'd mention this again: I outlined it in my early response to luckydude. This has worked for every dock I've tied up to in the last 30 years. Rig whatever fender you decide on with line that you run thru the holes. Have sufficient length at either end so you...
  7. M

    Bumpers/fenders on a 228?

    I just looked again at your pic. "Twice the diameter" of your existing fenders may be a little big. They certainly need to be bigger than what you have..maybe 1/2 again as large. Sorry...
  8. M

    Bumpers/fenders on a 228?

    "Dealers." Sometimes I wonder what they're thinking. Those fenders won't adequately protect the hullsides if your docked where there are boat wakes rocking you or there is exposed open water. My dealer is great, but I've heard weird stories about others. Under sizing boat trailers is another...
  9. M

    Bumpers/fenders on a 228?

    Run a line thru the holes in the fenders located at either end so you can rig them horizontally as well as vertically. Create a long enough line so you have 4-5 feet of slack at either end, giving you flexibility of where to tie the ends of the line. My preferred method is to hang them...
  10. M

    Cleaned today, splash tomorrow,,,,

    Crap..sorry. I wondered about that. We stopped going until mid July for the same reason; I got tired of bouncing off logs. We would let the lake level drop below the timberline, the drift would then stop washing in and we would be fine the rest of the summer. No drift in Sarasota Bay..Get on...
  11. M

    Cleaned today, splash tomorrow,,,,

    Ah, got it..the lake starts curving more like a river past Burnside. Any drift/debris in the water?
  12. M

    Cleaned today, splash tomorrow,,,,

    Smoky, I have never told anyone you were "lady.". Besides..yours isn't as bad as my 232 was 10-11 years ago when we made our return trip to Indiana from the Keys. Caught light snow & slush mixed with road salt from Looeyville N up I-65 to Indy. It was a mass of dirty salt & chemicals. Oh yeah...
  13. M

    Cleaned today, splash tomorrow,,,,

    That, ladies & gentlemen, is how to maintain a boat. Yowsa...
  14. M

    New guy here with a few questions about a 228 Seafarer

    Not much else to add; good info above. You do not need a diesel to tow one; a well equipped 1/2 ton will do nicely; 3/4 is better if you tow thru the mountains, etc. Get an oversized trailer. I have learned this lesson more than once. Otherwise, you'll have premature bearing failure and too...
  15. M

    1996 marlin 300 repowering options

    I agree with Gary M..250's for sure. Gary M's Bahamas trips are fun to follow along to. He has posted really nice pics in the past. I have a 300 Marlin as well, (with 350's, but it's a 2018.) They are marvelous boats. Hope it goes well!
  16. M

    Sarasota bound!!

    Legend: This is good news; if the floor rots out from under him while offshore, he can trigger the E-Purb & hang on.
  17. M

    Sarasota bound!!

    Well, if Ky Grady is doomed, then I'm going to stop looking for boat ramps for him. I f I found him one, I would feel responsible and never forgive myself.
  18. M

    Calling 226 owner. Handling conditions

    In addition to everything Doc says: It's a 22 ft boat. You will get wet in 2-3 footers. Slowing down and tabbing up the windward side as Doc mentioned are worthwhile ideas. I'm still tweaking my Marlin. Luck to 'ya!
  19. M

    Sarasota bound!!

    Your welcome: One other thought; I don't think the public ramp just North of the Ringling Bridge on the East Shore of the Bay has a fresh water hose to rinse your trailer after immersion. I know how you keep your stuff; you may have to find a coin operated spray wash to get the salt off it. I...
  20. M

    Sarasota bound!!

    I don't fish, so I'll leave the angling advice to Halfhitch. The Passes: Avoid New Pass; It shoals severely. This is the pass separating Lido Beach from Longboat Key. Check with the Sarasota Yacht Club for the latest info on Big Sarasota Pass, which separates Lido from Siesta Key. They have...