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    Islander bow thruster

    While it might be possible, I believe the available space really is too small. Narrow beam means a narrow forefoot, so really cramped in there. Plus, a good installation puts a large battery close to the thruster, to keep the electrical run short (longer recharging wires are OK). Limited...
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    257 Advance - Handling

    I doubt that you need, or should have, the engines trimmed all the way down. We can jump up on plane very well in our boat, with the engines up three bars. Also, are you sure the engines are counter rotating? If counter rotating, the zinc trim tabs should be centered, not offset to either side.
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    Bow pulpit on 268 islander Repair or replace

    I can tell you that the core on our pulpit is a hard, dense foam. I first encountered it years ago when installing the first windlass. When I made the conversion to thru-pulpit anchor roller last year I cut through, then cut back the foam so I could glass the inside of the hole. Did it more...
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    Recommendations for an Onboard Battery Charger

    Didn't know Charles had stopped that line. Our OEM Charles charger died last year, and I replaced it with the newer model.
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    Mooring Bridal Pendant for Marlin

    Be careful with open chocks. Lines can stiffen with salt and a pitching bow can result in the line coming out of the chock. Quick to chaff along the deck edge in that case. I know from hard experience, albeit 57 years ago. I suggest either a closed chock, or a skene chock. Don't you have...
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    Tournament 225 performance

    The early F225s had a gear ratio of 2.0:1, and that changed to 1.75:1 in about 2006. Are you sure what gear ratio you have? If not, pull the plugs and rotate the engine one complete revolution, while carefully determining the partial revolution of the prop. OR, in forward gear, rotate the...
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    272 Sailfish Economy with Grady's Report

    That test was with a pretty light boat, at 1605# fuel, persons and gear. And a clean, unpainted bottom. Have you added up the weight of your fuel, water, anchor, chain, rode, ditch bag, tool box, spares, flares, etc, etc. Then add the people weight and see how it compares to that test weight...
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    Finished Electronics Flush Mount

    Very nice appearance. May I ask why you didn't flush mount the radio? Seems you have to leave the door down to be able to monitor the radio.
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    Runnung Wire / Bow To Helm

    Sorry, but the only "headlights" that belong on a boat are the ones in the head (or bathroom, if you prefer). Having any lights on that impede the ability of another vessel in seeing your proper navigation lights is prohibited. BRIEF, intermittent use of a light to check a navaid (e.g. unlit...
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    Anchor rode snapped

    A line under tension is much more susceptible to chaff than a slack line. I don't believe 8-plait is any more or less susceptible than 3-strand, but perhaps a bit more than double braid. The biggest issue is whether the line has a "soft" finish with yarn that can easily be caught on edges, or...
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    Windlass- Need Help

    I no longer have an issue with getting the anchor to drop, as I changed to a through-pulpit arrangement last year. However, I agree completely with the quoted comment. Running with the anchor only held by the windlass is a risk - that's when it will let go and drop! So, before you get to the...
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    Anchor rode snapped

    It looks as though the line, after making that sharp bend and leading to the roller, could be hitting the aft, right edge of the roller assembly. That would certainly chaff a line under tension in short order. I agree that the sharp turn going through that chock could be a problem, but a good...
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    265 exspress fold down radar

    Google radar hinge mounts for boats and you should find something that will work. Hinge at forward edge of hardtop and radar can be upside done in front of the hardtop.
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    Grady White's and GOM don't mix well

    IMHO, GOM no worse than the great Chesapeake Bay.
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    Anchor line

    Please note that he has 8-plait line. It lays down in the locker so much differently than 3-strand that you can get much more line in the locker. Definitely recommend 8-plait, particularly with a windlass, but even without one.
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    Grady White's and GOM don't mix well

    I posted on that thread on THT., post #11
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    Tips for Using Twins

    No bad comments above. I'll add just a bit to make the learning easier. - make sure trimmed up a few bars, as this helps the astern engine. - assuming engines idle at same RPM, the engine going ahead will be more effective than the astern engine. - so, put stud engine ahead at idle and port...
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    Mounting Lee Jrs on a 1998 Islander

    I've never seen an Islander with Lee's mounted. When we purchased our boat it had the soft top and the damn mount for the VHF antenna was almost too much to get past with the narrow walkways. I wouldn't want to try to move forward much with Lee's mounted on those cabin sides. JMHO While the...
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    Windlass kit

    Please see posts #3, #6 and #10 in this thread: I believe all of my comments there apply here, particularly about the required fall and the better performance of a horizontal windlass on...