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  1. D

    Grady White 232 Gulfstream trailer

    What is your total weight of the boat/motor/fuel/batteries/water/gear/etc?
  2. D

    trim tabs

    That's the only way to do it. The tabs have virtually no impact at slow speeds. Well, maybe a tiny, tiny bit - but nothing worth talking about, anyways.
  3. D

    Electronics wiring question

    That's a good point about being out of water, Bill. I've always heard that, too. Although I don't know how long it would take to heat up. I've had it on for about 5 minutes many times - and on many different boats - and never had an issue. I suspect it would take quite a while to heat up -...
  4. D

    Electronics wiring question

    No, that would be fine. But you could just add an inline fuse and skip adding the new fusel panel.
  5. D

    Battery Issues

    Compare your dash volt meter to the reading directly at the battery (ies). The dash meter could simply be reading low -- old/salty wiring can make things even worse. This will at least help out so you know whether or not to trust the dash meter as-is or to know to always add "X" volts to it to...
  6. D

    Possible rotted tank or rotted fill hose.

    No, you're fine with that. You might want to put some water in the tank with some degreaser and let that slosh around for a while and then remove. Just to remove any residual gas to eliminate possible gas fumes. I've never gone down this road, but here's an idea... get a large, sturdy opening...
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    trim tabs

    I've done that as "practice" a few times just in case something happens like it did to your neighbor. It actually works pretty well!
  8. D

    trim tabs

    I have found, in every boat that I've owned and/or run, the following... If the bow is bouncing around and I want to calm it down... When I use the engines, alone, to do this my speed will drop off moreso than with tabs (and keeping the engines in a neutral state). In other words, using the...
  9. D

    Hull Question

    Are you talking about the actual hull side? If so, that's a hard NO. Do not do it - for a couple reasons. But don't do it. Now, if you're intent on using that space - epoxy a wood block to the hull and then screw into that.
  10. D

    Bimini 306 Tow

    Truthfully, you can pull it out with just about anything including an older 1/2 ton - especially if has 4WD low for the pull. However, I would be more concerned with backing it down the ramp if you went with too light of a truck - or at least go r-e-a-l-l-y slow down the ramp. Unless you have...
  11. D

    251CE 2019 Model, table/casting deck question

    The part where you said you "slid it back" reads as it moves. I'll wait for the pics - but if something is supposed to slide and it isn't... could be salted/crusted up. Try some heavy duty vinegar (30%) available at HD...and maybe some PB Blaster.
  12. D

    251CE 2019 Model, table/casting deck question

    I've seen lots of latches over the years but I have no idea what you have on your boat. If no one else knows exactly what you have, post some pictures. You said the latch moves...What are you having "no luck" with (it's not clear exactly what you're asking)?
  13. D

    Possible rotted tank or rotted fill hose.

    Aluminum is, of course, much more likely to have a hole in it. The hoses and tank are 30 years old, after all. Remove the fill hose at the tank and plug the nipple. Remove the vent hose and put a new hose on it for testing purposes. Put a couple pounds of pressure in the tank through the new...
  14. D

    Possible rotted tank or rotted fill hose.

    Aluminum or plastic tank? Yes, it could be a fill or vent hose issue. Yes, it could be a tank issue. It could be either. There could be a hole in the tank at, say, the 3/4 height. Fuel would leak out until it was below that hole.
  15. D

    Fuel sender ohms

    I believe on that particular one there IS NOT a fuel level (bars). Instead, you would reset the amount of total fuel used after filling up and then just subtract that amount from your tank size. Does your tank have a fuel level sender? If so, and there's a pink sender wire, look behind your...
  16. D

    Fuel tank install

    30g on a 17' boat with a 70HP... yeah, that's PLENTY of gas. When you're running the boat, the attitude of the boat will bow high. I won't say anything :)
  17. D

    Fuel tank install

    Good question about PVC vs gasoline. I don't know the definitive answer, but I'm thinking it should be fine. A little more research would be good. The PVC is very inexpensive and easily attainable - a definite plus. But Mcmaster should have the HDPE. Although... if you're getting gas on...
  18. D

    Fuel tank install

    Oh... wanted to add... while Mcmaster will have the HDPE stock, I think if it was me that I'd use the PVC trim board. It's easy enough to use 1" trim boards and make them thicker since you can use PVC glue to put two or more together. Personally, I don't think I'd go to the trouble of trying...
  19. D

    Fuel tank install

    Mcmaster Carr will have it. You can probably make PVC board from Home Depot work - even if you have to use two pieces and first attach a piece to the stringer.
  20. D

    Fuel tank install

    Yes, definitely glue strips on to raise the tank. You WANT air circulation - that's the key to aluminum staying good and not corroded. Same holds true for whatever you glue on. It MUST be glued 100% - including fairing the edges. If there are any gaps where the slightest bit of water can...