Hi guys, I have a 20 year old 208, with the polyethylene tank..I've had the boat over a year and have not hosed off the fuel tank yet. Just curious, how many of you do hose off the tank, how often and how important do you think it is.
In addition to above suggestions, I also apply some kitchen soap to the front of cable being pulled thru, seems to help. And don't forget to leave a pull cord in place for the next one.
Great catch!! I've been working hard to get my Pacific Bluefin this year to no avail... still out there grinding though! Bluefin fever is terrible thing..
when I bought my boat the previous owner had mounted the vhf in the path of the throttle... Could never it out, you were not able to get to get to full rpm with it in that position. I ended moving it lower in the picture. The little black mount in the previous position holds me autopilot...